Was dx Oct 13th, had a quadectomy and lymph node removal (6 out of 15 infected). Had a bone scan - no results as yet and a CT scan due 2nd Dec.
Starting 6 x TAC over 18 weeks and then 5 weeks of Rads.
Nerves are getting to me now after reading about the scary side effects
Anyone got any tips to help me through it.
I had 6 x TAC earlier this year, finishing in July, it’s not very nice but doable. I kept a supply of pineapple chunks in the fridge and chewing gum for the nasty taste and when your mouth gets sore. Any nasty side effects let them know straight away, there is a lot they can do to help. Also look at the ‘sticky’ “Top Tips to help get you through Chemotherapy”, I found them really helpful. You will get good days and bad days, no two people seem to be the same. Just listen to your body and take things easy, one thing I found, when I was having a good day don’t be tempted to overdo it, BIG MISTAKE you suffer for it afterwards. I did not attempt to go to work while I was on chemo, also I was very careful about not travelling on public transport or going anywhere there were a lot of people, as your immune system is shot to pieces. I had an injection from day 4 after chemo each day for five days administered by the District Nurse to stimulate the bone marrow to produce cells and was lucky enough not to get any infections and my blood tests were OK prior to each chemo. Not every hospital does this but it certainly worked for me.
After chemo I had a bilateral mastesctomy in July with an axillary node clearance on the right followed by three weeks of radiotherapy. As my cancer is triple negative that is the end of treatment for me, only checkups from now on.
My hair is about 15mm long now and seems to be growing back wavy, I’ve always had straight hair, maybe this is a bonus side effect!
Good luck and keep me posted how you are getting on
Lots of good wishes and love
Thanks for responding, was starting to feel like “Billie no mates”…
Have decided chemo sucks big time…
Only just starting to feel some sort of normality after a week.
Have taken on board your comments about not overdoing it when feeling better.
So will rest up a bit longer.
I had only the one injection on day two to stimulate the bone marrow, but nothing since.
Have been told that after 2 weeks my hair will start to fall out, so I guess thats next sunday.
Told my husband that he has to clip it short for me and I guess after years of clipping his for him, he should be ok about it. ( But he’s really not looking forward to it )
One bit of good news is, the bone scan came back clear.
Just hope the CT scan I have tomorrow does the same.
Having a problem at the moment with stomach pain when I have wind or in need of the loo. Is this normal?
The stomach pain seems to be fairly normal, I had that as well as well as cramps that had me doubled over. In fact, not to be too much of a kill joy, my digestive system is still not back to ‘normal’ and I had my last TAC 6th June. I was using Actimel a couple of hours after taking the antibiotic tablets I was given, in an effort to sort this out. It did seem to help a bit but check with your Oncology Nurse first.
My hairdresser cut my hair very short for me and didn’t charge me. My hair started to fall out in week 3 and once it started it seems to come out all of a sudden, I looked like Gollum (Lord of the Rings!) with a few wispy bits that I shaved off. Make sure you get yourself lots of pretty hats, there is an American web site called ‘Headcovers’ they do some pretty hats that I wore in bed, believe me your head gets awfully cold. As it is winter there are lots of lovely fleecy and knitted hats out there now, I made sure I had a nice selection. I am very glad of them now as my hair is so short still.
I finished my TAC on the 12th September.It was hard I won’t deny it. I had 6 3 weekly sessions. I wrote off the first week,took it slow for the second and the third week was feeling better ready for more!
My advice would be to listen to your body and take it easy.I’m under the impression they don’t give out TAC unless they think you are strong enough to handle it-if that doesn’t sound too stupid!
There is a discussion on here with top tips,it helped me immensly-I went armed to Boots with a very long shopping list.I would recommend the travel wrist bands.Pineapple didn’t do much for me and there were days where I didn’t want anything to pass my lips! I found water tasted odd so I was drinking fizzy lemon and lime water! As for the upset stomach and wind - yes omg all part of it!
Another helpful tip that was given to me was to keep a diary.I found when I looked at it after each cycle a pattern was forming so I graduallly was able to prepare myself and knew that I could get through it.
As for loosing hair? I lost mine after 16 days.I did have it cut short first but it’s still amazing how much there is! My body never felt so soft! I would recommend headcovers too- a good choice of scarves and hats.Now I have a nice head covering of hair which my 7year old strokes as she says it feels like velvet.Also unwanted hair on my legs and armpits are back- well can’t have everything!
HI Kookaberra, I have just had cycle 4 of TAc and I must say (touch wood) that I have been very lucky with what SE I have had. The biggest one was losing my hair on day 13 and fullly cut/off by day 20. I have not felt sick or been sick. not had constipation but have felt tired the first week and then am “fit” for the other 2 weeks. I am just starting to get asore mouth so difflam is my best friend at themo.
Good luck and before you know it it will be finished.
Sharon xx
Thank you everyone who has responded with their advice and tips.
I had my second TAC on tuesday and feeling the effects again, it’s got to be a bit easier as I know what to expect this time.
Hair fell out after day 15 and it doesn’t look as bad as I expected - I now think there is more important things to worry about.
Bone Scan came back clear, but the CT scan shows a shadow on lung which they are really concerned about.
So thats another meeting on tuesday to see what will happen now.
Trying my best to stay positive and looking forward to a smashing christmas with my loved ones.
Wishing you all a very merry christmas
love Avril x
Hi Avril
As JennieF did, I also kept a fairly detailed diary of how I felt each day, it helped such a lot to know roughly how I would be feeling. Good luck for Tuesday, I will be thinking about you. Let us know how things go.
If you want a laugh, how about this. I had a letter from the hospital giving me an appointment in January for a Mammogram, thing is I had a bilateral mx in July. Talk about left and right hand!
Haven’t been on for a while, but thought I’d better update as to what is going on with me.
I have a tumour in the upper quadrant of the right lung, this is surrounded with emphysema.
Had a lung function test last week and I have to have a PET scan on the 23rd Jan, followed by a bronchcoscopy on the 29th Jan. Results by the 10th Feb.
Chemo has been delayed for one week for these tests to take place. This I’m glad about, because I never had a good day after my second TAC. My 3rd TAC on the 6th hasn’t been much better so far, so I may have a few days when I feel normal for a change.
There has already been talk of removing part of my lung, which leads me to believe that it is a cancer.
So there you go, happy days again and a long wait for results…
Sorry to hear your news, yes TAC does knock you for six, it got rid of my breast tumour, but didn’t affect the cancer in the nodes! I wonder why? Consultant couldn’t (or wouldn’t) say.
I had my oncology check up on 7th November having been told it would be twelve monthly check ups after that, however he examined my armpit, shoulder, neck and collar bone and sent me for an X-ray and have to go back at the end of February! I didn’t have the courage to ask why.
Let me know how you get on with your results and everything else, it is a long journey.
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