I think I have breast cancer

Wow. So hello. Ok let me start off by saying six months ago I was treated well not really , pretty much dismissed for a nodule in my thyroid that they were going to biopsy then decided not to because they wanted to “watch it” . Well nodule is still there, except now I can feel it when I swallow. So yesterday I go to the gynecologist, in the back of my mind I know I’ve had these fixed hard lumps in my breast for about six months…that were palpable. I never went to the doctor for it 1) I was already dismissed 2) I’m terrified 3) I’m running out of logical excuses I also came in the gyn presenting with discharge. My dr. Immediately felt the lumps, I also apparently have enlarged lymph nodes. She is orderin a 2-d, 3-d mammogram because something about me having very dense breast tissue, also an ultrasound with a possible fine needle aspiration and possible biopsy all on the same day. I will get the results of the mammograms and ultrasound. Will that be enough to tell if I have cancer? I’m scared. I’m freaking out. I’m afraid this has been here from the beginning and the doctors missed it.

Hi Daisy, 

The most important thing is you are now having these lumps checked , your not the first to have put it off through fear so don’t beat yourself up about it. A mammogram and ultrasound can give them a pretty good idea of what is going on but unless they can tell you for certain from what they see that they are harmless lumps they will most likely do either a needle aspiration if they suspect they are cysts or a core biopsy if they need to remove a section to test, I’ve had both and neither were bad ?


Its totally normal to be freaking out because your brain is trying to process what may or may not be going on , we don’t cope well with uncertainty but try not to get ahead of yourself, spending your days in a state of stress will only make them seem longer than ever! 

I’m almost 3 years on from diagnosis and can tell you from my experience that nothing was anywhere near as bad as it seemed at the time, plenty of ladies here who can help you during this waiting period so keep in touch with us Xx Jo 

Thank you. I’m trying to set this aside until after christmas but it’s extremely hard. Also Dr. Google is bad and scary. I think I will just stick to this site.

Hi Daisy,
Yes, you are right about google, it only makes anxiety worse & you won’t find an answer you’re looking for, only a load of scary stuff which is not relevant to you personally.
Come back & chat or vent whenever you need to & go to the main site here if you need info.
ann x

They moved my appointment up to Tomorrow at 1:15. I don’t know if I’m 1000x more nervous or less nervous.

I didn’t answer you question about ‘will mammogram and scan be enough to diagnose’ (btw Im not a medical person). Those scans might, or might not, give a good indication, some people have come on here to say they have been given the all clear from a scan and mammo, but it has to be very obvious to a skilled radiographer and consultant. However, if there is any doubt, even a teeny weeny bit of doubt…they will do a core biopsy. Having the core biopsy of course doesn’t mean that you definitely have bc, but that they need to be 100% sure to be able to exclude it. In my case, from the mammo and scan I was told it was 50/50 that the lump was a malignancy, only the biospy will give absolute results in the case of there being some doubt. So, its possible that you are told that you don’t need a biospy, but don’t be surprised if you are told you do need one. I hope this makes sense, ask any more questions you need to x

They are doing a 3d mammogram with ultrasound. So that’s not enough to tell if I have cancer is it?

Ok you’re right one more question. Do they usually biopsy at the mammogram appointment or they reschedule the biopsy for a later date? And yes this waiting sucks!

It was a an ok Christmas. I was pretty quiet. Not my usual self. In the back of my head though my brain just loomed with this. I’ve never not been able to turn my brain off to thoughts of something like this. I hope yours was more peaceful :slight_smile:

Daisytbat is all perfectly normal and we have all felt like that. The waiting is absolutely the worst time. Once you know what you are dealing with - whi h will hopefully be nothing - you will feel more in control.

The mammogram and ultrasound gives them a pretty good idea of what they are dealing with but more often than not a biopsy is required to confirm.exactly what it is.

Good luck for tomorrow and let us know how you get on x

Hi Daisybaby,


It depends on what sort of system your local breast clinic/NHS trust area is running. Some do everything in one appointment, a ‘one stop’ approach, and some arrange for you to come back and do the biopsy seperately. I hope yours is the ‘one stop’ as its definitely easier in terms of the agony of extra waiting.

Daisy I believe that you had your appointment this afternoon , how did things go? Xx 

Great news! No cancer. I have lumpy breasts apparently. Also I have an Infection in my Montgomery glands and they prescribed a antibiotic for that. They also believe I have a hormonal imbalance judging by how much colustrum I’m able to express. So they referred me to their gynecologist to do some labwork. So all good news . Thank you so much for your support.