I think I should leave...

Hi Eltik, I know exactly what you mean, I feel to that so many threads are dark and scary and others if you join in you feel that your opinion is bullied or stupid, I to as CM said only go on a select few threads, the Chemo in March, the dark dark woods and what made me happy. For me how to get through the treatment tip etc have been invaluable and the laughter and humour has kept me going, and when I feel it’s all much, I can reach out and someone with hug me and tell me it’s ok. Some need the anger to deal with bc and yes this site has changed. Come and visit us in the woods and be cared and comforted and have a laugh.
Take care BD xx

Hi Elttik,

Please take your time before you leave here and can I suggest you follow CM’s excellent advice and save your most useful or friendly discussions to your profile, so when you login you can choose to only look at them.

Like you, I’ve found several of the threads on here scary and dark. As I didn’t want to leave a valuable information source I decided to only view my saved discussions for a little while and this has helped me tremendously.

I know I’m only repeating what has already been said but I just wanted you to know you have my support. Do pop into the Dark Woods thread, they REALLY aren’t as dark as you’d think and everyone is very friendly and supportive. (We’d all probably be carted off in tailored white jackets under “normal” circumstances)


It can be a scary place for a small Ann, that’s for sure, but there are indeed some lovely threads here and many lovely people. Hope no-one has to leave…

Ann x

Edited note sent to poor lady I blew at!

Hi *, not to worry.
You caught me about to combust and into orbit. I went along with the hubby, the kitten and the dog and in fact anything else with a pulse! It’s been brewing and it happened at that moment.
I should appologise to you, i’m sorry.
We are all here for this reason, some have better days than others and we have both been having bad days. Yours physically, mine not and we should pull together and get on, but sometimes it’s hard.

I’ve got more chops than Sainsburys, lol. Hope you are feeling better? aly, x

(Makes note to keep trap shut and make a point of having better days. It makes it real that i’ve upset a total stranger with my awful temper and can be rude just by typing and clicking! I’m going back into eBay to sell more size 10 jeans that I can’t squeeze my feet into anymore. Oh guess what? I found out why I can’t have help with the mortgage re critical illness. I’m not on the policy! I don’t think that has helped either! TTFN x

glad your still around and we all have bad days saying sorry and forgiving is all part of it. Have a super day. Lets hope your back in your size 10 before you know it.

Whoopee. Welcome back. Financial worries are pants. I was job hunting before I was diagnosed, 57 so not having any luck, especially as there have been so many council workers around her laid off, younger competition and I suppose they need the work more than I do. Still the money would have been very useful. So BC has saved me from the ghastly visits to agencies. One more thing to be thankful for.

BC has made me slow down and enjoy what i have at 56 instead of striving for more and more how good is that, time to enjoy what you have yeaaaaaa. Hipchick glad you have found something to be thankful for yeaaaa.

oh eltticks so glad you have decided not to leave for good :slight_smile:
Take care and above all look after your self - you have made my day good today.
Lv Melxx

Well done glad your staying enjoy the rest of your day !!