Hi girls,would really like to know how you all feel about how what we eat or drink contributes to getting breast cancer.
I was never a very healthy eater and didnt really think much to fruit or veg. I also ate a lot of ready meals . In saying that i never fried anything and never ate a lot of pies ect but did like a lot of sweet things .
My vice was wine . I never smoked but loved nothing more than sharing a bottle of wine with my husband to relax on a night.
Now im trying to eat a lot of different friut and veg and darent even touch a glass of wine.
I was diagnosed with breast cancer on may 11th and had my lumpectomy on may 31st. I am now awaiting my results which i get next wednesday 15th . I know i am a grade 3 but i dont know anything else . I cant help but blame myself for getting this and think its because of my lifestyle.
Can anybody suggest tips on things that i should be doing to give me a better chance of keeping bc at bay .Thanks Lisha
Hi pls don’t blame y self there are plenty of ladies on here who eat really healthy went to gym I eat load fruit veg never smoked or drunk was a little over weight but still got it unf it just luck of draw if right word I’m tn so all I have done is cut down on sugar there are lots of things on here plp say do but not sure if any works hopefully others be along sn to talk to u tc laura
Thank you so much for your reply it means so much to me xx
Please stop blaming yourself for any of this. We all do things in life that we enjoy and that is what life is all about. There is so much more to this thing throughout our lives, and from the moment of conception which raises our individual risk but would not necessarily mean we get breast cancer.
For me, I could tick the majority of the list for risk factors - early onset periods, babies at 29 and 30years, inability to breastfeed though I tried, years of night working and now I see that being tall is possibly a factor (I am 5 10). Yes there are some aspects I could have changed if i had that crystal ball but I didn’t and we live life through whatever are personal circumstances are.
Like you, I have made a decision not to drink alcohol and thats no biggie to me. I am in the process of looking at diet but will only make changes that can be implemented allowing me to continue to lead a happy life. Prior to diagnosis. i joined a gym and trying to lose weight due to family history of diabetes and heart disease. I will continue with this once past the effects of chemo.
Any changes I make will look at taking better care of myself, not just with bc in the mix but all other common ailments that hang over us as we get older.
Try not to waste all your emotional energy on the blame game. Terribly, BC has happened and you need brace yourself for the months ahead. You can’t change whats happened but in the future make changes that will hopefully support your body to get to old age.
I think, like everyone on here says, when you get a treatment plan this will really help you. It may take months/years to get your head around all of this, with appropriate support.
very best wishes
Karen x
You got breast cancer because you have breasts!!
That is the only definite reason.There are all sorts of theories and you will find people here who debunk all of them-vegans,tee totallers,keep fit addicts,family history and no family history,breast feeders and childless,people from their 20s to their 80s with one thing and one thing only in common…they all have breasts.Dont beat yourself up it isnt your fault love.Just concentrate on kicking the rotten disease into touch.
Take care
Oh Lisha
Never think that, you could go mad with self blame. You were unlucky, don’t make yourself feel even worse than you already do having got this hideous thing
There’s a fab thread on here on healthy eating so have a look at that. I try to eat healthily but I have a terrible sweet tooth and also love a drink, I’ve cut down on both considerably and I find reading this thread helps remind me of how I can help myself to be healthier.
Hugs to you
Hi I agree with horace’s post.The biggest risk you have is that you are a women.And as for tips I don’t think anyone on here should advise you as we just don’t know how to keep Breast cancer at bay despite all the internet surfing we do.There is a good thread on here with healthy recipes if your interested.
forgot to say that the advice given by health professionals is to try and be active,keep a good body weight,choose low fat and limit alcohol.But as horace said many already did that and still got breast cancer.
All the best Melxx
Good lord 4 times editing lol
Well said Horace/Val, totally agree, biggest risk … being a woman & then a reason … unlucky.
Please don’t blame yourself.
Hi Lisha dont blame yourself I think we all go through this part of ‘self blame’ I sure did too, but unfortunately cancer has no rules to who it will strike even with what is classed ‘High risk’ can be debated too Ive no family history either of my parents side as far back as we can go, I breast fed, had all my 4 babies by the age of 29 was only on contraception pill 3 years ate what I concidered a healthy diet never drank … all that is said to help protect you & here I am, it is such a wide spectrum & so much is still not known.
I too since being diagnosed have made a lot of dietry changes … this is still a controversal subject too. too sugar V not to sugar… to dairy V not to dairy Eat meat V dont eat meat & so on. Please dont blame yourself Im a great believer in everything happens for a reason & despite this horrid desease I have known alot of people come through several diff cancers stronger & happer people than they ever were. As hard as it is to feel positive Ive found absorbing every little possitive thing each day even if the one thing was a strangers smile. Im too quite new to this & you too are in the early days, it does get a little easier as time goes on
Ive found letting go of all fears & worries whenever they fester up even if its coming here & sharing or writing it down each day in a diary but also trying to write down one thing that made you smile even if it was a little half hearted smile, you’ll soon be finding alot of smiles being noted & they really stick in your mind the ‘happy’ moments
much love
Mekala x
I agree that blame shouldn’t factor into it. The last thing you need is to start beating yourself up for getting this horrible illness.
My diet was probably better than many people I knew before I was diagnosed but I did makes changes because I wanted to do everything to keep myself as healthy as possible.
I felt that improving my diet gave me some power back and its completely reinvigorated my cooking. I’ve experimented so much over the last couple of years doing food from all around the world - that’s been surprisingly fun in an otherwise difficult time.
You’ll find some wonderful recipes on the recipe thread. Elinda x
dont be a victim to cancer kick it where it hurts. None of this is your fault. I use to mountain bike race x country I was a grand vet national champ for about 5 years. I stopped racing and along came cancer so it cant be much to do with being fit or eating healthy. Inmy mind its the luck of the draw with the exception of the ladies who have genetics.
Of course you are not to blame. There is a wonderful light hearted thread somewhere which states that wearing yellow wellington boots on Wednesdays is thought to be the reason in Canada. Now you have it, just concentrate on your treatment and the best medicine by far, is laughter.
Take care of yourself and all the best
Thanks for all your comments and advice. Breast cancer must only get the best as there is some lovely genuine caring people on here . Think what everybody is saying is stop blaming and start fighting and just try to eat as healthy as you can . The recipe threads are great and yes i might even become a great cook (i doubt it thought ).I have been telling my OH that we need to do more walking too and i did used to enjoy yoga so time i started it again.
Take care all of you and thanks xx
Well said Horace/Mel, totally agree with you both,
Please dont beat yourself up about what caused your BC, nobody knows what causes BC ,not even the medical profession/cancer researchers, theres a lot of “blame culture” in the world of cancer especialy in the media and also on the internet, NONE of it has substance.
I personaly have none of the risk factors,never been overweight ,always been tee-total,no family history ect ect ect but…im a woman!
Like Val says,youll find plenty of people on here who have debunked all of the theories.
Eat healthily,have a good balanced diet,limit Alcohol and dont blame yourself ITS NOT YOUR FAULT!
BCC has some exelent publications on site with reliable information on everything you need to know about BC.
all the best to you.
Linda x
Wee I blame my husband.
Just look at the evidence.
2 sisters and various nieces with cancer, then his ex-wife has to have a lumpectomy then has a mastectomy only 1 month ahead of me.
I mean, I breastfed, didnt take HRT, never smoked, drink in moderation. So it couldnt be MY fault could it?
It must be his!
HUGS to everyone on here. This disease is NO-ONE’s fault, it’s just the luck of the draw.
I am one of the ‘lucky’ ones and this process WILL make me stronger.
Love June
Marial I remember the yellow wellies thread I’ll try and find it.Agree laughter is a good medicine
I agree laughter is great medicine & June I just LOL at your post is that right they thought wearing yellow wellies on a Wednesday was a reason ? oh no I better put my pair on Ebay haha !
Mekala x
This is the thread if you want a giggle
Hi Lisha,
It’s pretty much all been said here, it’s not your fault! There are loads of risk factors and other variables, and who knows what combo we each have? I think you’re doing the right thing with looking at your lifestyle now - being generally healthy (as far as you feel happy with - remember you’ve got to live too!) is really good. If you’re fit and eat mostly healthily and exercise regularly you’ll be in tip top condition to withstand all the treatment, and to heal well. Can’t ask more than that!
I try to eat healthily and have looked at all the research, but there are some things that I can’t face right now, so I do my best and still have the odd cake and the odd glass of wine or cider (westcountry girl!)
Lots of love and all the best with your tx
made me laugh about your husband, during one of my BC inflicted trantrums I actually blamed my husband for me getting it!!! told him stress was a contributory factor, how mean of me, this is the man who has just popped into the supermarket on his way home to see if he could find anything for my poorly mouth.
I really can’t add anything to Vals comments “we have breasts” and it doesn’t discriminate.