I want this gut wrenching fear to go

I was diagnosed last wednesday and wont get the results till Friday 11th this week has been the  worst week ever. My mind has been all over the place, one of the worst things I think I did was to read up on cancer on the net before I have been given the results of the type of cancer I have,and what grade etc.


Part of me doesnt want to know, but I have this thing inside me now I dont know how long Ive had it or how I got it, could I have changed anything to prevent it happening to me. Will it spread.


I have read other stories on here and they are all very similar with this common facter the big C. We all deal with it differntly but can any one tell me when this gut wrenching feeling will pass, the tightness in the chest will it go Friday after the results or will it become even worse


Sorry for the ranting just need to get it off my chest


Good luck to all of you who are going through the same Big C

Hi Julie


So sorry to hear you are going through this.


Most people find the waiting for results the worst bit - I know I did. Once I knew what I was dealing with and had a treatment plan in place I felt better. I could work through each stage in my head and plan accordingly (I AM a bit of a control freak!).


I know you’ve already done it but PLEASE don’t google - it is just plain scary and until you know what YOU are dealing with, totally unnecessary.


Spend the time until Friday doing things that make you happy and will hopefully distract you a little bit… Be kind to yourself, let others know how you are feeling so they can also try to distract you.


Good luck for Friday, do let us know how you get on.


Lu xxx


I am also waiting. I’ve been waiting for 3 weeks now after an inconclusive result and repeat biopsy, then we went on holiday for 2 weeks. When I did finally get my results, they’re still a bit up in the air because although they did find a bit of invasive ductal cancer, because it was only on 1 tiny piece of the biopsy they had to rule out the chance of cross contamination. So, I’ve got to have an MRI scan next Weds, (everything seems to be done on a weds here), to try and find it?? Then appt on the 23rd to hopefully get some answers.  Like you, the waiting is awful.  One minute I feel ok and positive and the next I feel sick with worry and and have awful thoughts as I don’t know what’s happening. I’m so scared and still can’t believe this is happening to me. I’ve also been googling, (which I know I shouldn’t,  but it’s becoming a bit of a habit)! Every pain I get I’m convinced this thing has spread.  


Good luck for tomorrow, thinking of you.

