I had a really rubbish 2024, for various reasons. Because of this I started seeing a counsellor in October, and by the beginning of December I felt like the real me was resurfacing.
I then got a called for a biopsy following an problem on my annual mammogram. Since then I don’t think I’ve gone many days without crying.
I was given a DCIS diagnosis 4 weeks ago, and I’m having a mastectomy in 2 weeks. This comes 15 years since an initial lumpectomy, chemo, radiotherapy, tamoxifen & Herceptin. I’m sure I’m crying more this time than last.
Please can someone reassure me that the tears will stop eventually?
First of all i just want to send a massive hug to you.
Having to go through all this again is crap, im sure you are going through every emotion right now, for now let the tears flow…they are why me again, angry tears…they will stop, i promise.
I found talking to the breast cancer now helpline and Macmillian a real good source to air your thoughts and feelings right now.
But please be assured you are not alone
Perhaps tomorrow contact your previous counselling service you were using back in December and that they can give you strategies to help you cope with your next steps.
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Thank you, Purplerose. I’d not thought about calling the helpline.
I still see my counsellor. She’s been really helpful with talking through my worries. I definitely let the tears flow in those sessions. The tears with boss, or acquaintances is more embarrassing. They all understand, but I just wish it didn’t happen. I know things will get better in time, and I’ll look back with relief that I’m through it all.
Hi @caroline_w_uk,
I’m so sorry to hear what you’re going through, it sounds like a really tough time. Please know that it’s okay to feel emotional as you process everything that 2024 threw at you, and now what 2025 is as well. You’ve done a really brave thing reaching out to the forum, as well as starting to see a counsellor. As @purplerose says, you may find it helpful to speak with our nurses on our helpline 0808 800 6000, as they are always there to listen to any worries you have, answer any questions, or even if you just need someone to lean on.