I wish I had breast cancer.??

Hi Cornishgirl
I have passed your comment on for our clinical team to take a look at
Best wishes

Another interesting aspect of the discussion - MBC as a chronic / terminal disease - maybe we need a separate thread for this discussion? 

I have my own views on the topic as it affects myself, which I won’t explain on this public forum - I hope you all understand.  But when I was dx with liver mets, 4-and-a-half years ago, I never imagined I’d be living a “normal” life again… and sometimes I’m not sure how to use the unexpected “extra time” wisely.

I 'spose this in a roundabout way shows why the PCA ad was wrong in assuming breast cancer was a disease to wish for. There are so many variations. Mrs Blue I completely understand about how to spend extra time wisely. I cannot master it at all.

Yoohoo BCC people, are any of you reading this thread?  A reply would be good… sigh… I don’t even know a (user)name of anyone on BCC who is supporting us secondaries, there was Clare Kemsley some time ago but I’m not sure if she is still around… could she or her successor be alerted to this thread?

Yes, I too had seen that Kerry Harvey’s life has been taken by pancreatic cancer.

Let’s respond to this very sad loss - and to the expressions of hate - by offering our sympathy, prayers (those of us who pray) and condolences to Kerry’s family and friends at this time.

And to keep up the fight for more research into detection, treatment, prevention… and cure… for all types of cancer in the UK.

Hello Karen, yes I agree with your posting.
Hope you are well at the moment? I visited Wellington many years ago now.

Yes me too, all signed. Thank you for the link. X

Thanks Linda, I feel a bit forumed out, will lurk awhile and post if I can be of help. I hadn’t realised you had been here for so long! Hope you are still continuing to get better. X