I wish

Hi everyone I just wanted to say I wish I’d found this site 8 years ago when my mum was diagnosed with breast cancer, she had a lumpectomy, chemo and rads and yep I was one of those stupid non cancer people who came out with all those stupid comments thinking they were helpful!! My mum unfortunately got secondaries in lung and then brain and she died 18 months after her initial breast cancer diagnosis.
I came here when I had a scare in April of this year, I was one of the lucky ones and got the all clear after a microductectomy, you guys were wonderful to me and helped me through it but oh how I wish I’d found this place and you could have helped me through my mums diagnosis and everything she went through. Perhaps I would have been more help to her than I was.
Anyway I suppose what I’m saying is this place is fantastic and you are all such a great source of help, support and information.
Keep up the good work.

Highlander73 I am sure you did all you could to help your mum, with or without the support of this site, although it would probably have helped you somewhat to be able to get the support of people in your position.
So pleased you are NEDDY (like me :slight_smile: )
And I agree, wish I had found the site while I was having my treatment, instead of only now my main treatment has finished xxx