I would like to support my sister recently diagnosed. But I only have phone contact.

My sister lives in Scotland and is a midwife by occupation. I would like to know a little more about the condition. Although I live in Lancashire england and only have phone contact at the moment, I would like to be able to understand the subject to be able to support her in some small way.

Hi, it’s lovely that you want to be able to help your sister by finding out about breast cancer in more detail, do you have any information about her diagnosis at all? Things are many different types so it’s hard to advise without knowing a bit more Xx Jo 


Speak with her, listen to her, try not to tell stories of others you know who did or didnt do well. There is a booklet by Cordelia Galgut - Emotional support thru breast cancer - an alternative guide. This booklet is so down to earth - I am not the author - but recommend it highly. Maybe for yourself & for your sister… Perhaps read it first  - I believe it will help you with the support you offer. There is also a book How can I help ? 75 practical ways to help someone with a cancer diagnosis. From this book I started adding *No need to reply* when messaging a friend of mine undergoing a very traumatic time - she knew I was thinking of her - but she didnt feel any pressure to respond / speak with me.

Good luck to you both,

LL xx

Hi, it’s lovely that you want to be able to help your sister by finding out about breast cancer in more detail, do you have any information about her diagnosis at all? Things are many different types so it’s hard to advise without knowing a bit more Xx Jo .