IBC or not?

My surgeon has diagnosed IBC but I’m not so sure. Had no pain or itching, no redness or discharge. Breast just seemed slightly different in size/shape. I only really noticed this when I stopped HRT and the other boob went smaller and softer, and the affected one didn’t. Also nipple was paler and I couldn’t ‘pinch’ it. Since biopsy and chemo ( no surgery as yet) I have noticed a patch that looks pinker than rest of breast, but only slightly. Google pics of IBC look nothing like my breast. Anyone here had similar signs and been diagnosed with IBC?

hi Becker. I would suggest you ask your consultant why they think you have it. It would be helpful for you to know for sure. Saying that the treatment is likely to be the same for any other aggressive stage III breast cancer - chemo first, MX and node clearance and then rads. If it is IBC its really important that you make sure you are getting the right treatment and you need to have confidence in the team treating you.

there is a BCC booklet here:

if you haven’t read it already. This might help you. you could also try the helpline. They might be able to talk things through with you.