IBC? Worried and not sure what to do

Hi there


This is my first post. I am 37 and just over a month ago I noticed what looked like a mottled bruise on the outside side of my left breast - probably about 4inches long and 2inches wide, although not regular in shape. I went to see my GP who examined me and said that it did not look like cancer - no lump etc. She suggested I moisturise for a month in case it was ‘on’ the skin instead on ‘in’ in the skin. I have been doing this for a month and it has not got any better, infact the area affected is larger as far as I can tell. Over the last couple of days my nipple on the same breast has also felt tender, and the whole breast feels tender/heavy - I am just aware of it in a way that I am not with my right breast.


I am going to call tomorrow and make a follow up appointment. I am worried that they will either fob me off, or referr me for a mammogram / ultrasound only where as far as I can tell a biopsy is the only definitive way to diagnose IBC? I am also scared now that it is a month since I noticed the ‘bruising’ and as far as I can tell, if it is IBC then it is very aggresive. 


I have taken a photo but I wasn’t sure if it was appropriate to share it here? (I am happy to) I’m not sure what I am asking, I just feel sick with nerves and teary. 




Hi Lucy

I am not surprised you are so worried having had this worry for a month now, and it is time to get an expert opinion. If you are referred to the breast clinic (and your GP should refer you, and you must kick up a fuss if they don’t.) they will do whatever diagnostic tests seem appropriate - certainly a mammogram and ultrasound would be best practice but remember that they are experts in all breast conditions, most of them benign, not just cancer, and they can biopsy the area too. GPs are great but they are not breast specialists. Get an appointment with GP as soon as you can, and ask for an urgent referral to the breast clinic- the sooner you get this looked at the sooner you can have your mind put at rest if it is something simple, or have early treatment if it is what you fear. (If GP not co-operative you can ask to see another doctor, but certainly make it clear how distressing this is for you and that it is affecting your emotional health.)

Try not to Google…apart from this site and the Macmillan one, a lot of information is scary, out of date and inaccurate. Let us know how you get on. xx




Thank you, it’s not with my GP, but it is with a female GP and my doctors surgery. I am not concerned about them referring me, I think they will do that. I am a bit worried that they won’t do it as ‘urgent’ and I may have to push for that. I’ll let you know how it goes.

Lucy x

Hi there, just to keep you posted, I had my go appointment this morning and she referring me to the Breast Clinic at our hospital. There is no such thing as standard or urgent referrals here, but she said I should get seen within two weeks of the appointment today. She said she didn’t think it looked like anything suspicious, but that she doesn’t have a crystal ball and that the Surgeon I see and any test they do will get to the bottom of it.

Lucy x