

I am sitting at my desk at work typing this as I am so worried that I cannot concentrate on what I am supposed to be doing! About 2 weeks ago I discovered a red patch of skin on my right breast. It is near the top, not at all close to the nipple. A few days later I found a similar patch on my back, on the left hand side of my body. I went to the Drs and he also found a patch on the back of my neck. He did not inspect my breasts or ask any questions about them, he just looked at the patches under a spotlight and told me that as they did not have any partiqular characteristics that marked them out there was nothing he could suggest, and to ‘wait and see’.  The rash is not itchy at all, only the one on the back of my neck.


A few days after the app the parch on my breast became larger, maybe just under double the original size. I also now have 2 small patches on my stomach and one tiny bit on the other breast. I also woke up today with tiny red dots on the left breast and chest (I have had these come and go on other parts of my body before but don’t know if there is a link…?).


The skin on my right breast now also looks a little ‘wavy’ just by the rash and that breast is larger than the other (not sure if this has always been the case or not). I have just started my period today so wondered if the ‘wavy’ skin could in any way be hormonal?



I had a biospy on a lump in this breast a couple of years ago which turned out to be fibroadenoma, this lump was not removed but I have no others.


Really feel sick with worry as all searches are coming up with IBC and telling me how aggresive and serious this is. I really feel like crying all the time and it’s driving me crazy!


Sorry for the long post, just needed to get all of that out! if you made it this far thank you for sticking with me :slight_smile:


So sorry you are having this worry at the moment. My first thought is to go back to your GP ( or a different one at your practice) and ask for a referral at the breast clinic. Tell them the worry is making you ill. It might not be anything other than an allergic reaction to something, but you do need to rule out BC if you can.


Sending hugs and best wishes


poemsgalore xx

Hi lucyvic, welcome to the BCC forums

Along with the support from your fellow users here, please feel free to all our helpliners on 0808 800 6000 to talk your concerns over, lines are open weekdays 9-5 and Saturday 10-2

Take care
Lucy BCC

HI Lucyvic. Stop googling an frightening yourself. I would make another appt with another Dr and let them have a look and also tell them what you are thinking it might be. If it is the only way to get peace of mind for you ask for a referral to your local BC centre. Why not speak to the helpline on here, they are brilliant when you are having a crisis moment. I can’t start to think what it could be as I am no expert, could be something as simple as an allergic reaction to perfume, soap or fabric conditioner, but if it is not (and I am not saying it is) then you need to get it seen to asap.

Phone your Dr’s now and get an appt, once you start the process of getting it sorted, you will cry less and feel less like you are going crazy.



Thanks for your comments.  I know, I know, you should never google your symptoms :smileyhappy:  I waited a good couple of weeks before doing it but the temptation was too great.


I have booked an appointment for Monday, and hope I can get some answers, or at least feel like I’m moving forward. I wish I could skip ahead though and not have the next few days feeling like this. I keep checking my breast etc and am super aware of every little twinge.