I am sitting at my desk at work typing this as I am so worried that I cannot concentrate on what I am supposed to be doing! About 2 weeks ago I discovered a red patch of skin on my right breast. It is near the top, not at all close to the nipple. A few days later I found a similar patch on my back, on the left hand side of my body. I went to the Drs and he also found a patch on the back of my neck. He did not inspect my breasts or ask any questions about them, he just looked at the patches under a spotlight and told me that as they did not have any partiqular characteristics that marked them out there was nothing he could suggest, and to ‘wait and see’. The rash is not itchy at all, only the one on the back of my neck.
A few days after the app the parch on my breast became larger, maybe just under double the original size. I also now have 2 small patches on my stomach and one tiny bit on the other breast. I also woke up today with tiny red dots on the left breast and chest (I have had these come and go on other parts of my body before but don’t know if there is a link…?).
The skin on my right breast now also looks a little ‘wavy’ just by the rash and that breast is larger than the other (not sure if this has always been the case or not). I have just started my period today so wondered if the ‘wavy’ skin could in any way be hormonal?
I had a biospy on a lump in this breast a couple of years ago which turned out to be fibroadenoma, this lump was not removed but I have no others.
Really feel sick with worry as all searches are coming up with IBC and telling me how aggresive and serious this is. I really feel like crying all the time and it’s driving me crazy!
Sorry for the long post, just needed to get all of that out! if you made it this far thank you for sticking with me