Ice Caps

I was just diagnosed with stage 1 triple positive ductile cancer.  My treatments are 12 weeks taxol with herceptin then continue every 3 weeks with herceptin for a total of 12 months.  The lumpectomy can not be done for 4 months as there is no tissue surrounding the tumor. It is 1 cm

I keep reading about the ice capping to help prevent hair loss or help hair grow back quicker. Would really appreciate to know if you went to Amazon and got an Ice Kap or you went the rental route through the penguin site and how that experience worked.  Thank you for any information. 

Hiyer Marianne,

I’m sorry to hear that you have been given a BC diagnosis, although it seems that your treatment plan is well in place and I hope at the least it is giving you some comfort in knowing you are moving forward positively to deal with the abnormal cells.

Cold capping is certainly something that is talked about and asked about on here a lot, but I would certainly recommend discussing it with your BCN/oncology team as a first port of call if you haven’t already (To add - its not something I have done, but someone in my family has). I know that some hospitals/oncology depts can supply them as part of your treatment, and it would definitely be worth you finding out if they can loan out to you either the cold gel cap or the refrigerated cooling caps as part of your treatment and give you advice on the pros and cons of each method and what is suitiable for you. (They should be able to advise on the question of ‘Penguin v Amazon model’ also. )

There are a fair few threads on the Chemotherapy part of the forum giving some thoughts from some previous patients, which might be of interest to you, but I would also recommend if you don’t get many replies on this page that you perhaps copy across your query to this area…

You could also try doing the ‘Ask the Nurses’ section of the website if you need further information.

Sorry to not be able to offer more detailed help or personal experience, but hopefully someone will come along soon who can.
