IDC and emigrating to Australia


I’m 56 and was diagnosed with invasive ductal carcinoma (IDC) in Feb. (New to this really not sure of the acronyms yet). I’ve had surgery beginning  of March and a 22mm lump removed along with the first line of lymph node, cancer found in one node. I’m to start 2 lots of anti-Her2 treatments on the 27th April for 12 months. Then 28th April start 2 lots of chemo for 18 weeks, then radiotherapy. Bisphosphonates for 3 years. 

We were due to emigrate to Australia in March, sold the house, packed our jobs in etc, gave most of all our furniture and clothing away,  but was diagnosed 2 weeks before we were to leave. So we couldn’t go. luckily I did go for my mammogram January and didn’t wait, so am grateful I’m on the path I am, and so quickly, and all the other stuff is just stuff. 

I just wanted to ask if anyone out there who has had a similar experience and was still able to emigrate, if anyone has any info about insurance and treatment in Australia/aftercare. I maybe being too optimistic or being fool hardy about still going.

I know that there could be issues with the treatments, and treatment may not be straight forward etc. 

I’m donating my hair, so getting a number 4 next week, and hoping this will make it a less of a shock when it falls out. I decided not to try the cold cap.

like everyone I’m anxious about treatment and what its impact will be,  and wish everyone on this forum well in their own journeys. 


Dear Toni,

You have so much going on, hopefully so much to look forward too, I do hope once your treatment is complete you will be able to take up your wish and emigrate to Australia, wishing you health and happiness going forward with lots of sunshine on your horizon 

I’m sorry I don’t have any information on treatment or aftercare in Oz.

Best of luck, hugs Tili :rainbow: :rainbow:

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I’m sorry to hear about your diagnosis and the delay in your plans to emigrate to Australia. It’s understandable that you may have concerns about the impact of your cancer treatment on your ability to travel and obtain insurance coverage.

Regarding insurance, I would recommend contacting the Australian government’s Department of Health and asking about their healthcare system, including eligibility for healthcare coverage as a new resident. Additionally, you may want to reach out to private insurance companies in Australia to inquire about coverage for cancer treatment.

As for your treatment, it’s important to have open and honest communication with your healthcare team about your plans to emigrate and any potential challenges that may arise. They can work with you to develop a treatment plan that takes into account your future plans.

In terms of hair loss, it’s great that you have made the decision to donate your hair and are mentally preparing for the possibility of hair loss. If you have concerns about managing hair loss during treatment, I would recommend discussing this with your healthcare team, who may be able to provide advice and resources to help you cope.

Overall, it’s important to stay positive and focused on your treatment and recovery, while also being realistic about the challenges that may arise. Best of luck to you on your journey.