Has anybody out there undergone igap surgery for breast reconstruction? I am halfway through mine and struggling a bit to believe that it will ever look right. I know people who have had diep surgery but so far haven’t come across anyone who has had an igap.
Hi lbx157
I had the IGAP on one side a year and a half ago and due the other side at any time now. When you say half way through, do you mean you’ve had one side done and are due to have the other too? It wasn’t an easy operation but I was back at work (albeit on crutches) within 4 weeks of the op. It hasn’t been plain sailing but in terms of how I look asthetically, I’m very happy with the results. If you have any questions, I am very happy to answer and chat more with you about it.
Ruby x
Thanks for that. By halfway I meant that I have now had 3 lots of surgery on the one breast to try and make it look right & to me it still looks horrendous so I’m going to need more surgery, possibly lipofiling. I was warned that I was a difficult case being so slim but now I wish I had never had it done as I look more of a freak now than I did just with one breast.
Hello Ibx157,
I had my IGAP done in Jan 09 and am very happy with it now. However, I do remember looking at it and wondering if I’d done the right thing. Six months later, I had a tidy-up op which involved lipofilling using fat from my DIEP reconstruction which was much bigger than my IGAP. The result is now that I have 2 very evenly matched breasts with a great cleavage. Hopefully, the lipofilling will sort it out for you; it made a huge difference to mine - I do know how you feel though.
Best wishes,
(PS Hi Ruby!!! Hope you’re well, and good luck with your second op xx
Thank you. I think it’s the time element that keeps getting to me. I had the initial igap done 18 months ago & probably expected to be finished by now. It looks as though it could be another year before I’m “finished”. Just really want to buy some nice bras lol!
Hi lbx157 and Hi Sally-Lou
lbx157 sorry to hear things haven’t gone smoothly. I guess I was lucky in that mine doesn’t really need tweaking - I just hope my next one goes smoothly. I’ve heard about people having to have lypofill which evens things out just as Sally-Lou has had done.
Sally-Lou so good to hear from you and thank you re my next op! Wasn’t really sure I wanted/needed to have it done and my husband (I got married 6 weeks ago) is wonderful and doesn’t mind me however I look. He will just go with whatever I want.
Ruby xx
Wow Ruby - you got married?! Congratulations! I’m so pleased for you and your husband sounds lovely!!!
Let me know how you get on and this time, KEEP YOUR LEG STRAIGHT!!!