I'm 40 on Sunday!

Yes I’m 40 on Sunday! I am having a meal with my closest friends and family and hopefully a well and true earned drink on Saturday night.

The chemo and drink don’t seem to agree well and I don’t very often have the taste for it but this weekend I am really going to give it my best shot and pickle my liver a bit. I used to love a drink but this year I actually don’t think I have been drunk at all.

I am determined to put all the other p*s* that we all have to deal with on hear to the back of my mind and just have a good old time with my beautiful kids, husband, friends and family.

I have also just booked a cruise on the med for the 1st week in October and am really looking forward to that as well.

Hope everyone is well and coping



Hi Diane,
have a lovely birthday and congratulations on being 40.
I have just had a domperidone so I could enjoy a glass of wine with dinner.
Love Debsxxx

Have a VERY Happy Birthday Diane, have a wonderful day…Belinda…xxx

Hi Diane,
Happy Birthday and congatulations on being 40. I had my 60th party a month ago tonight with all my lovely family and had a few too many glasses of red but what the heck it was a brilliant night. I hope you have a good time this weekend and enjoy the cruise in Oct its good to have things to look forward to.
Love Lesley xx

Hope you have a brilliant 40th birthday, Diane! The cruise sounds great too - we really enjoyed one we went on last year.

Kay xx

Have a lovely birthday and enjoy your celebrations, and drink!
Congratulations, have a lovely day

thanks everyone, it’s just nice to look forward to couple of things from time to time.

At some points this year I don’t think I have coped very well mentally hopefully I’m out the other side of that. I know it will hit me at some point again and when it does it’s really difficult to pull yourself out of it, hopefully looking forward to a couple of things will keep the demons at bay and my mind into perspective.



Hi Diane,
Its great to hear you looking forward to your Birthday.
Have a great one!
Glad to hear you are off on a cruise…you go for it girl!

Thanks everyone birthday went well, I got really drunk on lots and lots of red wine. I felt okay the next day, I suppose when you compare a wee hangover to how we feel on chemo and that it’s a doddle.

I had a little party on Saturday and then went for lunch with my husband, my step son who is 17 and my kids who are 10 and 7, it was lovely. We came home and stuffed ourselves with chocolates and birthday cake. If I keep eating like this I don’t think I’ll fit on the boat! The funny thing is because of the steriods it’s all going to my face, I really am starting to look like a very well fed squirrel.


Many happy returns, Diane! Glad you had a good day.
