Im a grandmom!

Well had a very quick surprise! Daughter called and said mom come pick up the dogs. I’m in labor and the contractions came fast and hard. She had her in less than 2 hours. She was 3 1/2 weeks early. She weighed 5 lbs. 10 oz. 18 inches long and is doing fine Born at 6:20pm Saturday. Still deciding on name. FF

Oh funny face I’m so pleased for you and the family …phew that was a quick release …short labour for a first baby !!
Now for all the squidgy cuddles to begin and nanny hugs !!
Hugs xxxx

Dear Ff

So happy for you and all your family. A joy like no other! A good weight for a baby more than 3 weeks early.


Bon xx

Congratulations to you and your family Funnyface, what a lovely start to the new year! Your operation done and the baby safely here, hope the year ahead is a good one for you. Kxx

really good news for you ff, enjoy, you deserve it

ramade xx



Congratulations on your new granddaughter lots of love and hugs ahead for 2018 I am sure xxx

What a fabulous start to the new year ?
Warmest congratulations to you all ?
ann ?

Evening FF

Congratulations to you and your daughter. Not a bad weight considering she was 3 weeks early.


Thanks everyone! I’m loving this already!

Congratulations hope all is well x