I'm a newbie . . . .

Hi, thought I would introduce myself. I’m 42, had a lumpectomy in October last year, started chemo the week before Christmas and have got my last radiotherapy tomorrow.
This whole experience has made me appreciate everything and everybody so much more. My motto Live, Love, Laugh - every day!!! My thoughts are with everyone at the start of their journey but there is light at the end of the tunnel. Ps. Not loving the hot flushes and night sweats!!!

Hi I am a ‘newbie’ to the forum.  Have been all around the houses trying to figure out how to post!


Everything for me seems to have happend so fast.  I went to GP at the end of April with lump in left breast, he said it was probably a cyst but felt something in my right breast and so I was sent to breast clinic.  There they took biopsy from right breast but just an aspirate from left.  Results showed RB was cancer, LB aspirate was inconclusive so they then did biopsy on this. This too came back positive for cancer.  I had a bilateral (double) mastectomy at the end of June and went back in the 2nd week of July to have total lymph node clearance on my right side. I am now on hormone therapy, and was told that chemotherapy was not required. I did have all the tests, CT and bone scan as well as MRI scan but after reading posts I am begining to worry that I should have chemotherapy (not that I want it!!).  


Anyway I joined the forum as I am feeling a bit lost at the moment, lots of people are asking me how I feel and I really don’t know.  I feel that the expectation is that I will soon be back to ‘normal’ but I don’t feel normal. Good to get things off my chest though.
