I'm back!

I used to post here, but haven’t in a few years. My mets were dx Nov 2005 10 years after my primary dx. My mets are in my lungs and chest lymph nodes. I’m ER+ . I first did lupron injections to shut down ovaries. This didn’t help. I then went to abraxane/avastin combo. This treatment was stopped sfter 6 months bc it was harsh on me. I can go back to it bc it was still working. I had a chemo break for a few months and became symptomatic so went on infusion vinorelbine. My insurance wouldn’t pay for oral. (Live in USA) This worked for 5 years until my lung collapsed. I then did two weeks of radiation and started xeloda. My lung reinflated by itself and I now have been on xeloda 2 years. My recent scan showed ground glass opacity in my left lung upper lobe. Onc isn’t sure if this is cancer. Treating me with steroids. Scanning in Oct. if this problem is still there then it’s from cancer and bye bye xeloda!!

Hello G! :slight_smile: xxx