Hi everyone, My name is Vicky and I have recently been diagnosed with BC. I’m 32 and have 2 young boys.
I had a wide lumpectomy and sentinel node biopsy on 1 aug. My results showed that I had a 15mm invasive tumour which was grade 2. Luckily i had clear margins and the nodes came back clear. I was advised that I would need radiotherapy and tamoxifen. 2 days later the cancer was upgraded to grade 3 and i have to go in tomorrow to discuss if I want chemo as well.
Everything has happened so quickly i don’t know if i’m coming or going. It’s only been 4 weeks since I first found the lump!! Finding this site has really helped me but I can’t believe how different everyones treatment is. Have most people been offered chemo? should I have it? will it help prevent a recurance? I’m just so confused.
Dear Vicky
Welcome to the Breast Cancer Care chat forums. I am sure you will get lots of help and advice from the many informed users of this site. BCC have published a resource pack which has been designed for those newly diagnosed, this may help you to understand more about your diagnosis and treatments. If you would like a copy just follow the link below:
Please feel free to call our helpline team for further support and infomation on a one to one basis on 0808 800 6000, the line opens 9am-5pm weekdays and 9am-2pm Saturday.
Kind regards
Hi Vicki
Sorry to hear of your DX, its a real roller coaster isn’t it. If it helps this is what happened to me.
I had 13mm IDC removed by WLE. It was grade 3 and I had full node clearance as the sentinal node was positive but all others were clear, I also got clear margins. I was told chemo would be my decision but when I saw my onc he said that I would be having it because I was Grade 3 and because of my age [41]. His words were “You need the chemo to cure you once and for all of this thing”.
All this happened last year, the chemo was tough but I’m glad I had it cos it helps me to know that I did everything possible to beat this thing. In reality it will take a year out of your life [starting from DX] but if it gives you that life back at the end its worth it and this site will help you cope.
I hope you have got someone to go with you tomorrow as its all abit of a mine field and write down your questions cos you wont remember half of them tomorrow.
Good Luck with everything
Hi Vicky
I’m also 32 and was dx back in April and had 48mm WLE and SNB 2 weeks later. I had clear margins and no node involvement but because it was grade 3 I’m currently having chemo and now half way through. From what I understand, chemo is offered when it’s a grade 3 because its so invasive. I’ll also have radiotherapy but no hormone treatment as it’s not hormone receptive. I had a bit of a wait between the op and starting chemo as we don’t have any children and I was referred for IVF to freeze embryos to protect my fertility before chemo. I don’t envy people who’ve been given the choice of what treatment they have - so far I’ve just been told what’s best and that’s the way I like it - I’ve read so many dilemma’s on here from people not sure whether they should or shouldn’t do something. I’ve had 3 of 6 FEC for my chemo and think I’ve got off relatively lightly with a bit of tiredness, heartburn and constipation (sorry!). I’ve taken the week off work immediately after chemo and rested but worked for the other 2 weeks and am hoping this will continue. When I saw the doc before starting my chemo they thought that I’d get through relatively easily due to my age and the fact that generally I’m fit and healthy. Other than that, I agree totally with AJ - it will take a year out but look beyond that and to know that you’ve done everything you possibly can to hit it wear it hurts. And, hopefully you’ve got someone to go with you. I’m getting better at remembering stuff to ask/what they’ve said but know it’s so much to take in, especially so early on.
Good luck with it all and let us know how you get on.
Nel x
Thanks Aj and Nel. That helps me make more sense of it. I will definately have the chemo if it gives me a better chance although I am terrified at the thought of it already.
Nel, hope you don’t mind me asking but did you have to pay to have your embryos frozen?
Vicky X
Hi Vicky
No, not at all, we were referred by our Oncologist for one cycle of NHS IVF but only on the basis that we didn’t already have any children and I’m not hormone receptive. I’m not sure whether that’s the same in all areas though. Try not to worry (hard I know) about the chemo - it’s not great and there are ups and downs but you’ve got age on your side!
Nel x
Hi Vicky,
I finshed chemo in April and honestly it wasnt anything as bad as I expected. I worked all the time but left early as I got very tired mid afternoon, was good in the morning though. I feel pretty good now and my energy levels are very good.My tumour was Grade 3 and not hormone receptive either and this is all the more reason to have chemo as it can be very effective for us and we dont have the option of Tamoxifen afterwards. Do you know your Herceptin status, positive or negative?
You will find loads of moral support and really useful advice on this site!
Katie x
Thanks Nel and katie. Don’t think IVF would be an option (sensible one anyway) as my cancer came back oestrogen receptive. It’s not that I necessarily wanted anymore children ( my boys are 1 and 3) It’s just when the choice is taken from you it makes you think you want it ifkwim. Also my sister is having problems concieving and I was hoping if it came down to it I could help her.
Katie you’ve made me feel more positive about having chemo although I can’t even think about working through it at the moment. Luckily my work are very supportive even though i’ve only just gone back after maternity leave!!! My boys are at Nursery in the afternoon so hopefully I will be able to chill out and get some rest. What jobs does everybody do? I work part time as a teacher.
Not sure what my herceptin status is…no one so far has mentioned it. Off to get my hair cut short later today…been thinking about it for a while but just needed the push.
Vicky X