I'm home too!

I’m home too!

I’m home too! Hi to all those who remember me posting a few weeks ago. I was discharged on Saturday after 8 days in hospital (following a PBM). Unfortunately things didn’t go according to plan. I developed an internal bleed following the initial surgery and had to go back to theatre the following day. All this blood loss caused my iron levels to drop so I needed a blood transfusion and have been feeling lousy.
I feel slightly better today and am going back for a check up tomorrow. Did anyone else have huge swellings around the drain sites after they were removed?

For all of that, I am still so pleased that this surgery is behind me. The dark cloud has been lifted and it feels good. Thanks to Smudgergirl and Suefab for all your advice.

Hi Lou Glad you’re home too - I remember your posts and am sorry to hear you had such a rotten time in hospital with your blood transfusion and everything.

Hope you start to feel a big improvement soon - just think, now that it’s over you can put all your worries behind you.

Take it easy!
