I'm in the waiting room....

I’m 51 and still pre menopausal. I had a breast clinic appointment last Tuesday and have to wait till 14th August for the results. All I can think of since is being shown the mammogram and the reason both consultant and nurse seemed to be concerned about what they were showing me. There was a white spot in the top area of my left breast, not see through but solid. Can’t help it but have been trying to look for similar images on web and all pretty much vague obviously I suppose. Anyone have similar mammograms and or in this hell of a waiting room???
Would appreciate any comments x

Hi valleygirl,

Yes, everyone will agree waiting is the worst, your mind goes into overdrive and trying to stay calm is almost impossible. Every scenario goes through your head. Hopefully everything will be ok for you, it is a scary time, don’t feel alone and keep posting!!
I had 2 tumours one benign and the other bc, the scan picture showed a circular lump that had lots of strands coming out of it.
Just wanted to send you lots of hugs and keeping my fingers crossed for you, take care xx

Hi Katytc

Thank you for your reply. It is a nightmare time although its kind of great to know that there are women like you who have, are and will go through the same thing. Hugs to you and hope you are fine…How are you responding to treatment when were you first diagnosed.
love Sue xxxx

Hi Sue,
I’m an old hand now, I was diagnosed last year, I went for my first mammo then was recalled and the rest is history !
Such a shock at the time though you do get calmer, really hope everything is ok with you, did you have a biopsy? xx

Hi Sue
I remember being in the waiting room too. At my first appointment at the breast clinic I was oblivious to the comments from the breast surgeon and was convinced I was wasting their time. Waiting for results is the hardest time. I thought of it as standing outside a house with two doors. One door opened to my life with breast cancer and the other to my life with positive results. During that week I fluctuated between “entering” both rooms thinking what if. I was like you trying to find out as much information as possible to preempt the results. Sorry I can’t help you with mammogram images.
I was diagnosed with cancer, it was a huge shock but 5 months down the line I’ve come to terms with the diagnosis and now almost half way through my chemo. Having the results and a treatment plan allowed me to switch into practical mode and each treatment is a step closer to the rest of my life and beating cancer.
I really hope you will enter the door “with no cancer”. If it is the other door, trust in yourself that you will cope and get through this.
Take care and let us know how you get on xxx

Thank you spring 123
Also been thinking bout how I will be depending on what outcome of biopsy test had two one on the prime suspect and other the lymph one. Funny how different days you think of different things. Hoping your treatment goes well love and big hugs. Grateful for your thoughts xxx

Hi Valleygirl
Just to let you know I was diagnosed in June and had my 1st operation 6 days later . The waiting is long but then everything kicks in quite quickly.
Hang in there and best wishes for the future
BMW07 xx

I was diagnosed a week ago as having bc in my right breast after having a biopsy, I am now waiting for a hospital appointment at Poole Hospital to have the lump removed and have radiation therapy for three weeks afterwards. Anyone in my position, how painful is the radiation and can I go back to work on the days I have radiation. Any advice will help.

They can’t tell for sure from a mammogram, only a biopsy. So don’t drive yourself made with google images. My mammogram didn’t show a lump at all even though I could feel it. My biopsy came back positive for cancer. I then had an MRI which is much more sensitive than a mammogram and that showed two more ‘areas’ but these were negative on the biopsy (much to the surprise of the radiographer). Waiting is horrible. I didn’t get to go in for the results until an hour after the appointment time.
Try not to drive yourself mad waiting for results.

Thank you Keyfeatures. I love all you ladies giving me support. Different days I think different things. Today I’m sure I’ll be fine and I’m getting worked up over nothing. Got a week to go maybe it’s good in a way to wait all this time to get used to the idea just incase! Thanks for the heads up on the waiting once you get there. Other ladies to give news to!
Thank you again.

Hi Valleygirl
This waiting lark sucks doesn’t it… I had my Ultrasound appointment today along with a core biopsy and have to wait a week for the results … ( but with the way the rest if this has gone probably be more like 2-3). I keep thinking everything will be fine one minute and then the next what is it’s not? It’s anot helped by the fact that I’m also in the process of moving house and have an exam in a couple of weeks for work…
The waiting room both real and virtual is certainly the pits here… Hopefully everything will be fine, just wish the burning and discomfort from the biopsy would subside.
Take Care

When I had my biopsy the doctor carrying it out (who had just done the ultrasound too) said “I think this may be Something rather than Nothing, but whatever it is we will look after you”… So I sort of knew. Still an agonising wait though…
Netfan have you had some paracetamol or other pain relief, it does ease after a while but no need to suffer x

The second lot of painkillers seemed to have done the trick thanks Ali Hope you’re doing well with ur treatmentx

I got lovely green bruise at the site been using savlon on it as well as keeping area clean. Today I’m thinking again about the doctor and nurse seeming to indicate that there was area for concern. Think when I asked nurse was it cancer she couldn’t say without test results but that whatever happened the outcome of the tests would be good.
So next question and I know I’m over thinking. Do you think the doc or nurse might give you an idea what they think it is?! I know lady having tests in other room said that she was told she might have calcifications but she was booked for 14 days later like me for her results. Can’t help thinking through everything what am I like!

Hi Sue

Goodluck with your results appointment tomorrow, will be thinking of you

Sara x

Ali H

Hope you are ok - when I had my biopsy and I said to the doctor, they said it was a cyst, he said Im not sure and it was cancer !!
So they give you hints to prepare you, so if I was you prepare !!
But be positive - you will get through !!
Big hugs


Ok girls had the results it’s invasive lobular breast cancer will be having wle and maybe sentinel node biopsy beginning of September. The strange thing is I feel calmer now than I have the last two weeks. Doesn’t feel right but need to feel calm to prepare for battle right!

so sorry u have had to join us but i had wle and node biopsy which were clear on the 11th may had 17 rads which finished last wednesday rads was ok just got fed up going every day boob is very red and a bit sore other than that im ok good luck with treatment hugs pam x

Sorry to hear your results, but great fighting talk. Hope all goes well with the WLE, and wishing you well on the road ahead.
Sara x