I'm not a brave person

Just picked up on the points about stress. The doctors tell us that it is not related, but there is so much anecdotal evidence out there. I was dx in Feb three weeks after my mum died, I had had a very stressful three months and am convinced it is related.

Me too. I was diagnosed months after my dad was diagnosed with motor neurone disease and I spent 6 months hospital visiting plus my husband got made redundant at the same time!

I am sure it is linked.

ANyone else?


Milli I know exactly where you and many others who have commented are coming from. Everything going along happily and then BANG. I am 45 and have two children aged 4 and 6 and that is what I find the hardest. I was diagnosed on 25th November, had a bilateral mastectomy on 11th December and went for my chemo “chat” today. I was then told I was Her 2 positive and just burst out crying (even though I’m not sure if this is a good thing or bad thing). The first week was by far the worst but even now I just think I am getting to grips with it all when something hits me. I feel reassured by those who have commented that you can survive this becasue at the moment I feel overwhelmed by percentages, stages etc.

My husband and family have been fantastically positive and that is just what I need. The medical care I have received has also been wonderful. I have booked to go to a place call the Haven www.breastcancerhaven.org.uk/ . I feel this huge desire to meet people like me - I think this is partly to try and make sense of it all which, of course, I never will.

It is getting easier and once the treatment plan is in place you have something to get your teeth into and fight this horrible intruder.

Judith x

Phew, sorry its taken me a while to get back to everyone but I had some problems with the computer and passwords!
Thanks for all your comments re stress related. I don’t suppose we’ll ever find out the reason why this intrusion happens but we must keep fighting it. As I said I’ve always been a fairly active, healthy person and have this disease. Last year I felt things were getting on top of me and couldn’t cope with a lot of silly niggly things plus had other health issues (none cancer related). I found out very recently that a cousin of mine also had breast cancer - she was 50 when diagnosed and sounds about the same type of breast cancer as mine. She’s now 56 and made a good recovery so thats something more positive for me. She was so upset about having cancer that she kept it well hidden from many family members.

I’m seeing the Oncologist on Friday and I’ll be having the Radiotherapy and Tamoxifen treatment.

I’m in the West Midlands area and must say the service and support from the Breast Care Dept have been great. I have recently registered with Cancer Support Group and my local office are very supportive. I had a free session of Reiki last week and tomorrow I’m going to a relaxtion and group meeting. Once this nightmare is over I am going to give some of my spare time and help with voluntary work.
Take care everyone and be strong and positive.

Hi Milli,
sorry to find you here - but welcome. I only read your thread now, I don’t come anymore all the time to the board.

I think finding out about cancer is a scary and stressful situation for all, whether we have history or not. I did have BC history in the family, but always did my checkups, and am reasonably healthy. Also, I am an UC / ulcerative colitis - and I though - what the heck, I am not going to get all illnesses in the history of medecine, right? wrong. I am 44, with a daughter 12 yrs old, was Rx last July… now I have finished chemo, and am starting to see light.

I feel it is important to always live your life: don’t let cancer ride it! yes, it is a challenge, but it can be won, and you can be still having fun with your daughter, going out, celebrate life. Now that I am done at least with the most aggressive treatments, I look back, and thanks goodness I see 6 months full of many moments - emotional, happy, sad, lots of tears but also many smiles. My daughter got scared too, but as she sees that her grandma is alive and fine, she is also quite positive… only people reactions sometimes scare her, but I suspect she used the concept a couple of times to get out of homework :wink:

Anyway - stay strong, and keep doing whatever you do to keep your mind active, your body healthy and your friends and family involved. Don’t keep them away! you need them as much as they need you.

Hugs, lil