I am really scared too, I get my biopsy results today, the doctor said she “didn’t like the look of it” when she saw the dark mass on the ultrasound, she took 4 core biopsies (which didn’t hurt), I am 36 and my 9 year old daughter who is very wise said “Mum you are dwelling on the worst case scenario” which is so true as I have been convinced I have full blown advanced secondary breast cancer, I’ve put my partner through hell this weekend and he has been brilliant, my daughter has been at her dad’s for the worst bits of my panic. I am in a new relationship with someone who has been a rock all weekend
good that you have good surport… you have come to this site which is good to chat and say how you are feeling…
hope that you get good results…stay strong.
sal x
hi this message is for numut i have a lump to and i have only had mamagram i have to go back in 2 weeks for an ultra sound they said one lump is a just a ridge in one brest the other they think is a cyst i have lumos in 2 of them. I just wounderd how come you had the lot done in one day and i am worried havin to wait do you think this is a good or bad sign ? Rosemarywine I really have my fingers crossed for you xxx
Hi, it is cancer, a 1.2 cm tumour. Going back for surgery on 14th July. Jut devastated.
so sorry to hear that hunny …
but it is good that you have had it checked and that they are treating you know …
i know its not nice hun but be strong and we are hear for you …
sal x
Carol1b. I don’t know whether it is significant or not. My hopsital just seems to prefer to do it all at once whether you need it or not! Most of the ladies at my mammogram seemed to automatically go for an ultrasound afterwards. In my case the lump was benign (did you have a needle inserted in your lumps?) but my left breast showed an abnormability, hence the need for an ultrasound straightaway. If its any comfort, I got my core biopsy results today and no sign of cancer - yipee. Surgery booked for 1st August to take the “mass” out - 4cms. Then another biospy - which hopefully will again be all clear. (Fingers crossed). It is a slow process and you only get drip fed what you need to know each time you see a doctor (even today they couldn’t guarantee no cancer at the op stage.) Again my hospital gave the results and sent me off for the pre-op check up today rather than calling me back . I just think its down to how they work. Also if you had a needle inserted sometimes it is too bruised to see anything on the ultrasound, hence calling you back in 2 weeks time. My lump whilst the FNE was benign, still needs to be ultrasounded again and I have been told at least a month. I am sure your hospital has your best interests at heart. Good luck