I need a bit of a letting off of steam today as I’m really angry with my surgeon.
I’ve never liked him much, he’s never had much of a bedside manner and always seems in too much of a rush to answer your questions properly. Anyway, after chemo in 2010 I had a WLE and then a re-excision. The margins were still not clear so I was told I would need a mastectomy however before I had it I developed an abcess so it had to be delayed. I eventually had it in April 2011 and I had a tissue expander put in so I could have delayed reconstruction after more chemo and radiotherapy. I was due to have the recon in February but I developed an infection a few weeks before. I had been back to the surgeon countless times since having the expander in because I knew it didn’t feel right and he always sent me off with antibiotics and it would get better for a while but then flare up again. Eventually when I was admitted to hospital with the infection, the implant was actually poking out of my skin, a point which the surgeon missed and I had to point out to him! He had the cheek to say he thought the infection had been there a long time and I thought yes I tried telling you that! The expander had to be removed and I’ve been left with a complete mess and still have an open wound 3 months later. The last time I saw him he said to “come back when you think it’s healed up”!
Since then I have decided to be referred to another surgeon at a different hospital because I have opted for a DIEP reconstruction. I rang his secretary last week and asked for a copy of the referral letter. It came today and I’m really angry at the last line which reads “I think she has been a little disappointed with how things have gone at the Infirmary and it may well be better that she has delayed reconstruction elsewhere”.
In other words, I’ve made a right mess of this woman, I’m fed up with her coming in with her problems every five minutes and now I want someone else to deal with it!
Thats the way it feels anyway! I feel like writing a letter of complaint but I’m sure I will calm down in a bit. I feel better already having written it all down.
Thanks for reading
So sorry to hear about this Debs and hope you get on better at the other trust.
All the best
You’ve been badly let down. X
Hope your new surgeon sorts things out and you get shown some respect for knowing your own body. X
This is so not the same but I have only one kidney and often get urinary tract infections… Now I can tell, I don’t need to be in excruciating pain… I just know. The doctor always looks at me like I’m neurotic… Tests the sample and there is always… VERY SMALL trace of infection… You want to shout… It’s only small because I’m here early… I do believe you know your body, you know when something isn’t right.
You can put it all behind you but if when you see your new surgeon, your still annoyed then complain.
Hi Debs
Really sorry to hear about your problems and I hope things run smoothly for you with your new surgeon.
I wondered if you had thought about using manuka honey strips on your wound? You can get them from health food shop like holland and barratt. Not used them myself as I didnt have a need, but I know someoine else who did and got good results. It may be worth looking into.
Anyway, all best wishws to you
Joan x
Thanks Joan. I was having medical grade honey put into it for a while but I have some other stuff now.
I’ve just finished writing a letter of complaint just to say how abandoned I feel now that I have no surgeon, no district nurses visiting since I went back to work and I am having to administer self care with dressings I get on prescription. I feel better for writing it. Whether it goes any further remains to be seen.