I’m 21, and have just signed up as i’m feeling alone.
I have recently found a lump in my breast. I’ve been to the doctors who have refered me for tests, I have the date…22nd of November, it seems so long away. I wasn’t origionally in pain, but I am now, in my armpit, this is where lymph nodes are isn’t it?
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Hi there Vicky and welcome.
Not a place we like to be, but there are some wonderful people here who will support you. The 22nd does see like a very long way away, and the waiting game is the hardest part. But, you will get through it and the 22nd will soon be here.
You must remember that most lumps and bumps are nothing at all to worry about, but always best to get them checked. Well done you for doing so, so many leave it and hope it will just go away. Even cysts though need a helping hand to go away!
Once you get to the clinic they will have a look at your lump, probably send you for an ultrasound scan of it - completely painless. Then, back at the clinic take a small sample of the lump to have a look under the microscope. None of this is anything to be worried about, all standard procedure. After that you will know just what the lump actually is.
There are lymph nodes in your armpit but, as far as I know they don’t usually hurt - maybe you have an infection that is causing that. Do mention it at the clinic.
Until then, try not to worry and have a hug from me
x x x
Quisie has given you excellent advice, I can only reiterate that most lumps and bumps turn out to be harmless cysts.
I can understand you feel invaded, but that is all part of the normal feelings of worry at this stage. Honestly the waiting is always the hardest bit. Try to have a good few nights out before the 22nd it may help you put this to the back of your mind for a few hours.
You ask if taking a sample hurts LynB is right it only stings for a second. However they will scan first and if it is a cyst they may well drain it there and then that is slightly uncomfortable but your up and about straight away.
I’m in alot of pain, i’ve been told that this is a good sign though as BC lumps aren’t painful.
the doctor said my cysts were infected, and in the past two weeked i’ve taken rought 28,500mg of antibiotics, surely this would have got rid of the infection???
oh well a week tomorrow is D Day.
Don’t you guys worry i’m ssssoooo busy!! working alot at the minute…not got time to be ill!!