I'm trying to move on

I’m trying to move on

I’m trying to move on Hi girls,

I finsihed my rads on 2nd May, after 3 ops including masectomy and 6 sessions of TAC chemo. OH has 2 strokes just before I was diagnosed following routine mammogram last June, so the last year has been a bit eventful. I am hoping to return to work on reduced hours in August, having been off for just over a year. I am now on taxomifen for a couple of years.

Anyway we have decided to bite the bullet and book a holiday for September. OH has always wanted to go to New York, although he hates flying, so that’s what we have booked. The trip will also include Philadephia, Washington, Toronto and Niagara Falls. Had trouble getting OH insurance cover to include cover for stroke but managed it with SAGA (Send a Granny/Grandad Abroad). I am obviously not covered for bc, but do not expect to need any more treatment for this during the holiday.

I am looking forward to the New York shopping experience, although I expect the bank manager/credit card may be a bit scarred.

Take care & best wishes to you all.



Heres hoping you have a super time and I hope you both enjoy your trip you deserve it. Good luck also with returning to work I hope it’s reduced hours.

Love Treakle xx

Hi Jan

Glad to hear you have finished your treatment and are ready to get on with life! I hope you have a lovely time.

Good luck when you go back to work too :wink:

Lynn x