I'm worried and need some advice

Thanks everyone for the love and support, i keep trying to tell myself i am mad worrying like this i have 50/50 chance but I’ve almost convinced myself its bc, i can’t believe i feel so screwed up at times and i know in the morning i will be bad. When i mention it to family or friends they just say it will be OK, which makes me feel worse as I’m so worried about it at times, i don’t think they realise that not knowing is so bad, my life could change for ever tomorrow or if i have to wait for test results when they come in if the news is bad. I’m trying to say to myself it will be OK, but i feel in some ways i need to prepare for the worse but then get angry with myself if i have spent all this time worrying while I’m on my summer holidays. (i teach and don’t go back to work until the end of Aug). I don’t want it to be bad news and i know i feel feel a fraud for worrying like this is it is good news, but is hard at times. All the best everyone especially those waiting for results tomorrow.

love Scurry.

Scruffy and Jo,

sorry for not getting in touch sooner, I’ve only just caught up with this thread. I want to wish you both well for your appts tomorrow. I will be enjoying a leisurely (?) game of golf tomorrow morning, before heading off for my next round of chemo in the afternoon, but I shall certainly be thinking of you. Keeping my fingers and toes crossed that all turns out well for you both,

Take care,


Jo and Scruffy

All the best for your appointments tomorrow - I will be thinking of you.

Scruffy - I can empathise with you totally. I only work term time (OT not a teacher!) and feel these last few few weeks have been nothing like a holiday! My journey to date has been protracted - I noticed that the underside of my right breast was all pulled in and mishapened on the 30th June, one stop 17th (but not as couldn’t see anything on US and not palpable) - back for mammogram guided core biopsy 25th July and go for results 14th August. As I was feeling holidays nearly gone - a five year old desperate for her usual trip to the rellies at the seaside, my waiting list appt to dsort for Sept and a confernece venus to confirm or not this week I rang the nurse for more details. So although next Tuesday is for results I know that they have seen benign changes (don’t know what) but they want to wire the area and take the whole lot out to check. So that’s another few weeks to add on no doubt. I am going to see if they can do the surgical biopsy whilst still on holiday - so at least then I’ll have a few extra days to take next term when I need them - as I will take it as sick leave. If I hadn’t been on holiday I don’t think I could have done my work on some days when I’ve been so preoccupied and anxious. I also find it hard when people tell me - it’ll all be OK, or That sounds good - because I then feel guilty about worrying and that they are getting irritated with me! So don’t feel a fraud you are going to worry until you have a definite answer - it’s natural. People on hear have been fantastic for support - and it has been great to have a space to “let it all out” where I know I will be understood.

Love and light for tomorrow you two

Tinkers xx

Thank you princess18 and tinker, I will let you know the outcome tomorrow.

Good luck Jo tomorrow

Thanks for being here everyone it really dones help.

love Scruffy

Yes, I would like to say a big thankyou to everyone who has sent love and thoughts. My thoughts are with all that might be getting results tomorrow, as are Scruffy and I.

I am feeling very apprehensive. I thought I had myself under control. But no. Don’t think I will be able to sleep tonight. I will let you all know the outcome tomorrow. Fingers crossed for good news for all. Once again, I do not know what I would have done without this site. You are all great. Night godbless.
love rosegarden (jo) xx

Sorry, love and good luck to Ceegra too.
Will be thinking of you.
rosegarden (jo) xx

My prayers, positive thoughts and love are with you ladies and, of course, that includes you, ceegra! Only one more day to go, Hon.

beano x

Hi everyone, Just arrived back from the hospital, I had other mammogram today and a scan and thankfully everything is OK, they have given me the all clear.

I can’t believe how relieved I feel, I can start to think again. I really hope everyone else who has appointments today has good news as well, I have been thinking about you all morning.

I don’t know how I would have coped over the last couple of weeks without you all, its been really helpful knowing you are all here.

I wish everyone one good luck and good health and I hope all works out well for you all. Love and hugs to you all.


Congratulations Scruffy!! Great news!

Oh Scruffy,

Congratulations love, what a massive relief for you. So please for you hon’ you go and celebrate with a Massive bottle of bubbly!

heidi xx

Hi scruffy,

thats awesome news and I’m well pleased for you. I hope you celebrated in a suitable fashion??

As I’ve said to so many others, no offence but I’m sooooo glad you’re not joining our club, we certainly do not need any new members!

Take care of yourself,
