im worried

thanks paula, i think the worst time will be after the school run as i wont have anything to do, i might was my hair mop the floors etc as my appointment isnt until 3.10!! so ill leave mine at 2.30! then head over…

how are you?

Good luck for tomorrow - hope you walk out smiling.
will be thinking of you xxx

Good luck for tomorrow. I’ll be thinking of you and have fingers crossed.

Eliza xx

thanks guys, well not managed any breakfast yet so i think its going to be a day of caffine! im going to leave at 2.30… so im there on time…

ill post when i get back xx

I really hope all goes well

Love Theresa x

Good luck for today lizzieloo Fingers crossed your results are good. x


Fingers crossed for you today hope it all goes well.xx tracy

hi guys,

well im back… had the examination, doc drew on me with a biro!!

he said he didnt think there was anything to worry about, but went for a scan and he said the same thing so i am feeling very relieved, i have to go back for gene testing, and also yearly scans xx

thank you sooo much for helping me through it… now if there is anything i can do for any of you or you would like a good friend then please send me a message xxx

Excellent news, Lizzieloo and thanks for letting us know!

Yes, it is weird being drawn on, isn’t it?

Sounds like they will be keeping an eye on you now and hopefully that will be reassuring for you.

Eliza xx

delighted to hear your fab news Lizzieloo, hope you have some good plans for celebration!

it’s good for us all, I think, to hear news like this
thanks for letting us know

take care, love, monica xx

Great news lizzieloo :slight_smile:
Sue xx

Good news pleased to hear that. x

Great news Lizzie.

Take care

Love Krissy xx

It’s fantastic to hear some good news, I bet you slept like a log last night…sending hugs x

i did yes, and i have been eating lots! lol i think i have been making up for lost meals lol,