I'm worrying for no reason? Any advice would be appreciated

Hello Lovelies,
Really hope your well?

I need to know if I’m literally worrying for no reason at all…
here’s my back ground:

I found a big lump on my right breast about an inch above my nipple.
I check my breast regular but never check when the Aunty Flo is here (which it was at the time I discovered the lump)
I put this down to hormones this was the Thursday.
By the Monday nothing had change so went to see my wonderful doctor who thought it was a breast abbesses I was put in antibiotics for 1 week.
No improvement my doctor was on holiday so I saw the nurse practitioner.
The nurse felt the lump and really didn’t think it was cancer but due to me being such a worry wart wanted to send me to the breast clinic.

Went to breast clinic at the start of March were I was given an ultra sound and a biopsy.
I broke down to the consultant and was just desperate for answers.
I’m 25 years old and have a 2 year old daughter.

They all assured me there that this looks nothing sinister… the consultant said ‘off the record’ in his words this is HIGHLY unlikely to be cancer.

I then went back a week later for my results.
Which came back inconclusive… but probably beigin.

Was told to come back in 6 weeks so I’ve been today had a 3 core biopsy and another ultrasound & it really looks like fatty noddles stuck together this could be to do with losing 9 stone in the past 3 years.

Again saw another consultant who said he can not say indefinitely it isn’t we have to wait for the biopsy results.

I’m worried sick I haven’t slept or ate right in 3 months.
I just want answers… he said if the results come back inconclusive it’ll be an operation to remove the lump to see exactly what’s going on?

I could just really do with some advice or just how to get through another week of torture.

Thank you. Xxxxx

Hi there,


First of all let me say you would not be normal if you weren’t worried, so don’t beat yourself up over that. You have done the right thing by checking out this mystery lump, and it sounds as though everyone you’ve seen has taken your worries seriously, which is a good thing. All the feedback so far has been hopeful, and it won’t be long now until you have a result, but remember, even if the lump is not benign, it can be removed, you will get the treatment you need, and you will find loads of support here.

I had my initial biopsy at the start of March as well; there was no doubt that it was cancer and I needed a lumpectomy. It was all done within four weeks and now, though I’m still waiting to hear what my next stage of treeatment will be, I’m back to as near normal as I’ve ever been - able to decorate, dig the garden and dance. Remember, people recover from breast cancer. It’s not the knell of doom, just the start of a rough patch we have to get through.

Hopefully it’s not a path you will have to travel, but if it is, you won’t be alone.


Best wishes



Thank you Lin.

Home from a 2 hour wait at breast clinic.

No cancer thank goodness just hormones.
This has honestly been the most scariest time of my life xx

Aw thank you both so much for your lovely comments.
Unfortunately I’m at work tomorrow but will be enjoying a large glass of wine tomorrow evening.
I did have some chocolate that my other half bought me.

To anyone going through the results phase even though hyena site is a wonderful thing.
I honestly wouldn’t worry as much.
I must admit I felt so extremely calm yesterday and this morning. I just accept my fate whatever it may be.

I’ve learnt to stop sweating the small stuff.

I wish both you wonderful ladies an amazing journey & a fabulous future.
Your words were like gold in my time of extreme need. Xxxxxx

No one can really tell you if it’s nothing to worry about or not…However, I can tell you that stressing yourself out will not help at all. You have done the right thing in going to get it checked out rather than ignoring it. If it is benign they will remove it anyway and the surgery these days is amazing because of how far technology has come! A long long way from 14 years ago…I can tell you this as a fact because I have family and friends who work in the research and nursing side of breast cancer . Trust me, you are in good hands.