I’m very confused. Had two lumpectomies of grade 2 lobular. Both times they found more and final one margin too small and MRI scans aren’t picking up the tumours so no option but mastectomy . My concern now is boob comes off this Thursday and I really don’t want extra scars etc so decided on implants even though there is a danger that radio will cause them to become hard and fail.
Has anyone else taken this option and been happy with it or should I delay??
Hi Bunnybear and welcome to the BCC forums
Please feel free to call our helpliners to talk through the queries/concerns you have, in addition to the valuable support here they can offer you practical and emotional help and lines are open 9-5 weekdays and 10-2 Saturdays on 0808 800 6000
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Take care
Lucy BCC
Hi bunnybear, I had a bmx with implants and strattice as I also had lobular cancer which wasn’t picked up on mammogram, ultrasound or MRI. I’m starting chemo next week followed by rads and do worry about the effects this will have on the implant. I’ve spoken with my consultant and she said we’ll cross that bridge if and when we get to it. Apparently implants do not always go hard, I’m sure someone on the forum quoted 25%. I’d sooner have breasts now and take a gamble re the rads later but that’s just me. Good luck with your op tomorrow XXX
Hi Bunnybear,
I had immediate recom MX last year, then rads to left side only. I had no problems. Yes left side was tighter & they had to draw out some fluid after last top up, but no other concerns. Had them exchanged for implant last month, rads side not stretchy enough so I need more surgery. I could not get Tissue or Dorsi surgery as I have no fat to spare - size 8/10. I just uploaded pics of how I look now. All I will advise is painkillers. I found Gagapentin worked best for nerve damage pain - cocodamol Tramadol did not do it for me. i have no regrets re surgery. I could have opted for 1 side only as right side was non invasive, but I didn’t want odd boobs or worry about it becoming invasive. Wishing you all the best & a speedy recovery…although you have to give yourself time…not that I am the most patient patient!!xx
Hi Bunnybear, I hope all went well with your op and wish you a speedy recovery. Take care, love and best wishes Tracy XXX