Immune System post treatment

Hi anyone, first post on here & wondering if anyome can help?? I was dx with stage 3 triple neg BC in Sept 2010. Lumpectomey, lymph clearance plus chemo & radio followed. All treatment finished April 2011. I also had a vit B12 deficiency which was treated with tablets & returned to normal couple weeks ago. However, I seem to be picking up one cold after another with the latest one starting a week ago & still holding strong with hacking cough. I don’t want to trouble GP as always say antibiotics don’t cure colds etc but I am at the end of my tether! Had a week of no sleep (plus tetchy partner too!). Is it normal for things like this to hang around & should I just grin & bear it??
Thanks xx

I finished active treatment at the end of May and since then I seem to have caught just about everything doing the rounds too! :frowning: I expect this is partly down to being so ill as a result of last chemo (septicaemia as well as neutropenic sepsis) and I was warned when I came out of intensive care that my immune system was in a mess. However, I wasn’t quite prepared to catch just about anything I came into contact with either.

Any advice on things to help boost the immune system would be great as I guess we are all vulnerable for a while after chemo finishes.

I would have a word with your GP, as your system has less ability to fight things off for a while and you may have a chest infection that antibiotics could help with.


Hi JMD, No you certainly do not have to grin and bear it!! There are lots of things you can do to boost your immune system after treatment. Firstly looking at what you eat. Increase fruit and veg and cut out processed food for a starting point. Take supplements, the penny brohm centre suggests 4 supplements for helping boost your immune system. if you go on their web site you can see what they suggest. Also a good probiotic too will help your digestion.
We go through so much stress having a dx of cancer and then all the treatment, that we really need to look after ourselves after all of that!! There are some good books to read on what to eat too if you are interested. Also learning to relax and getting in touch with your body, is beneficial to healing.
Finally being kind to yourself and having special treats like a massage or reflexology. Things that make you feel good.
Hope this has helped and you can always PM if you want more info
Best wishes

Thanks guys for these comments. I sometimes think this stuff is never ending! People around you tend to think you are ‘all better’ once treatment is finished, sadly not the case! My diet is pretty good with plenty of fresh fruit/veg etc but I have only just started taking some supplememnts within last couple of days so maybe too early to say! I will try the priobotic (is that how you spell it??) too. Think if cough still bad tomorrow will call my GP, worth a shot eh?

Good luck to you all, stay well
Joanne xxx