Impact of my diagnosis on a friendship

I have been blessed with loving support since my diagnosis, through my surgery and my first steps of recovery. However I am navigating a change in a relationship with one of my oldest friends. Anyone else faced struggles in a friendship?

My lived experience is virtually everyone else has leaned into my distress, sworn, laughed at the craziness and comforted me but this friend does not know what to say, isn’t checking in on me and then seems to blame me for not keeping in touch. 
Thank you Annie xx

Hi Annie There’s been a lot of us where friends do a beam me up Scottie and disappear during it all then beam back down again when you are through treatments. Concentrate on you It’s up to others how they behave and how they handle it, you concentrate on you Because your doing amazing :two_hearts: :two_hearts: :sparkles: :sparkles: Shi xx