Implant + expander - when will the pain subside?


I had a mastectomy, reconstruction (expander/implant) - still waiting to be pumped up so to speak, plus full auxillary clearance nearly four weeks ago. Since then I have been in tremendous pain - I guess it is a mixture of nerve pain, pain from the lymph nodes and pain/burning where the implant is. I just wondered if there are any ladies who have recently had a similar reconstruction and how they are feeling now post surgery. I know we are all different, but if I could hear about other ladies experience - when the pain eased etc and when the implant settled down, it would be really helpful. I am slightly getting to the end of my tether with the pain at the moment - still taking pain killers even though they are now giving me an upset stomach plus a number of other bad side effects which are too horrible to mention. Thanks Jacqui xx

Hi Jacqui

Whilst you await replies from your fellow users, the specialist breast care nurses on our helpline may be able to offer you further advice about how to manage the type of pain you describe, if you wish to call the number is 0808 800 6000 Mon-Fri 9am-5pm and Sat 9am-2pm.

Best wishes

Hi Jacqui,

Sorry to hear you’re suffering this long after the op. I recently had two ops. The first was sentinel node biopsy to remove 4 lymph nodes each side - this was more painful than the second op - mastectomy and expander implant. Sounds like you have both to contend with at the same time. My expander implant was fully expanded from day 1 and that was what caused me the most trouble - not pain but extreme pressure so I could hardly breathe. I stopped taking painkillers after 4 weeks and now just take occasional paracetamol when required, I found diclofenac gave me digestive problems.

Could you ask for some different painkillers? When went to my GP for a repeat prescription she was more than happy to prescribe something stronger/different though at that time I was ok.

Do the exercises help or make things worse?


Hi Jaqui

I had expander implant and reduction on the other side 4 weeks ago - went to see consultant last week who said I was perfectly symmetrical now - he’s a lovely man and very proud of his creation - so am I. Don’t have to see him for three months- no need to expand at the mo - I had sentinel nodes removed a week prior to op and that actually causes me more discomfort but not actually pain- implant still feel very weird and pins and needly but not painful so settling in well - really pleased with how I look -such is vanity but from 38 F -FF to 36 d - how about you? have to meet oncologists on Friday - great way to celebrate wedding anniversary!! Could do with out that but - hey - i can take it…ooh errr missus!

lots of love and hope you feel better soon x