Implant questions

I was diagnosed with DCIS 2 months ago and have just had a mascetomy with implant reconstruction. 15 years ago i had a cancer diagnosis and had my first mascetomy and 2cyears later Tram reconstruction. Just wondering is anyone out there living with 2 separate reconstructions? The implant is smaller than the Tram, i feel very lopsided.

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Hi katqu,

Thank you for your post. I hope my response will help our members to see it and share their experience and/or advice.

In the meantime, please remember, that our breast care nurses are here and happy to talk.

You can find more here: Call our Helpline | Breast Cancer Now

Sending you our warmest wishes,

Hi Katqu,

I wanted to answer as you havent had a response yet. I had a single mastectomy with recondtruction (implant) at the beginning of the year. I also am “lopsided” and dont know if there may be further treatment that will be given to fill out the reconstruction to reblanace the size. I know my nurses have said that there are things that they can do to balance it out in time.

Just wanted you to know that youre not on your own xx

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