I am 3.5 years post mastectomy. I had a reconstruction at the same time, followed by radio. All good and quite a quick recovery and have been well since. However my implant has been shrinking more and more over the last year. My bra now collapses in on itself on the implant side as my breast is much smaller. It is really tricky to find clothes I can wear (especially to work) that don’t draw attention to my apparently collapsing breast. What to do about the implant in the longer term is a future conversation with my surgeon, but I just want some advice on how to manage day to day. I really hate it if I think someone is looking at my (wonky) breasts. I am a private person and can’t bear public scrutiny of my body.
As I had the reconstruction straight away, I might have missed advice on ways to remove an asymmetrical appearance. Putting tissues in the implant side isn’t working well as I am having tamoxifen induced hot flushes and they can end up a soggy mess. Has anyone got any practical suggestions of things that have helped them? I am getting really self conscious and just want to hide away.