
Hi Everyone
yes it’s me again.I had another op last thursday.
remember my LD recon had shrunk and I did not wanr lipomedelling as I have anorexia, well I finally got the implant I wanted. Is early days but it looks good and is now the right size.
What I’m finding hard at the moment is that I can not lift and carry or do the vaccing. I am very tired so sleep alot but I do get bored so my hubby said to get on BCC website for a chat with others so here I am.
I had this op at the spire which was very nice not going NHS again. There were so many nurses if you needed one they came straight away

hi everyone,

I had mx right breast last November, I think I am having further surgery maybe beg next year preventative measure left mx I have a 11 year histoy 2 primaries.

My question is: other than having a complete reconstruction using my own tissue, would I be able to have 2 implants? I have heard so many scarey stories about implants going bad, allergic reactions, people nearly dying from all sorts of problems as a result of having implants.

Could anyone share their experiences with me, good or bad to help me decide what, if anything, would be the best for me.

Many Thanks Liz x

there are so many ways of having reconstruction these days so find out as much as you can and do what is right for you. I have to fight for a year to get it done my way. You can have just implants if that is what you want, I know someone who did

hi I think I am going to ask my surgeon about implants thanks for your help Liz x


I had implants 5 years ago before BC. When diagnosed I have had mx and reconstruction using muscle tissue from my back and implant. All went well and very happy with outcome. Boob looks fab. I may need furtehr reconstruction as having rad and this can dammage implant but have never regretted it. I was lucky as my consultant did the mx and reconstruction but some consultants just do the mx and then you have to be referred to someone else for reconstruction. They can also show you lots of pictures of ladies they have done. I think it’s really important you get a good surgeon. Good luck


In some teams the ‘breast disease’ surgeon works in tandem with a PS - that’s what happened for me.

Like Ginge I had an mx and immediate LD flap + implant recon. Just finished rads and so keeping my fingers crossed that not too capsulation ensues!



Not sure if you’ll see this?

I’m just curious what implants you found, as you’ve gone private?

I have original Becker implants from 2000 and 2006, which would be better replaced - but as these were never increased with any saline, theyre only about 65 cls, and the smallest silicones will be 100cls…

it seems odd to me that no-one makes a smaller one [what about in Japan and similar countries where most women are small-breasted?]

Wondered if smaller ones are available private, are they just as safe, how much does it cost?

Appreciate any advice - thanks

I had single MX with implant back in September. Unfortunately chwmi followed and I got several infections which wouldn’t heal so implant was removed at Christmas. I finish Chemo mid April and am booked for an expander implant 3 weeks later, then rads 3 weeks after that. The plan is to overstretch the skin to compensate for any rad damage then the expanded will be replaced with silicon later.

If you’ve had rads I don’t think implants are an option as they can’t stretch the skin so they take skin and tissue from elsewhere.

There’s a great book on Amazon called the breast reconstruction guidebook by Kathy steligo, also bcc and Macmillan have very good booklets which give you all the options.