I’ve joined a clinical trial at the Care Oncology Clinic in London which is recruiting now - it basically gives cancer patients a cocktail of existing medicines which together have a much stronger effect. Note existing - not some multi-million pound wonder drug which takes 10 years to develop (making fat profits) but drugs we already have eg metformin prescribed for diabetes but which also has anti-cancer properties.
It’s run by Prof Stebbings who’s a leading oncologist based at Imperial College London. They want the NHS to offer a combination of these existing drugs to cancer patients as the new standard of care, since these drugs individually have already been shown to have anti-cancer effects but combining them it’s hoped will intensify the effect.
Read this and see what you think.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-3115964/Could-simple-antibiotic-help-fight-cancer-Experts-London-clinic-believe-cheap-everyday-drugs-starve-deadly-tumours.html
Also check out their website - you can join yourself, you don’t need to be referred by your GP. Results are promising as they have seen tumours shrink and even disappear in patients with metastatic cancer.