I am in a bit of a pickle I was told after ct scan in Nov that mets were stable but there was still some fluid in both my lungs butonc are continuing with hormonal treatment.
The last 2 - 3 weeks I have been coughing in the mornings and have had pain in my left rib. Also getting very breathless.
Saw gp Friday who said that my air intake was good in lboth lungs and to come back if things got worse.
Over the week-end have been very breathless so went back to GP Monday he sent me for a Xray and this shows that my pleural effusion is slightly bigger but not enough to account for the breathlessness.
Now gp has made appointment to see onc 9.30 tomorrow morning so I am really worried that this is something more sinister.
WE are meant to be going on a cruise on the 3rd Jan which we have been really looking forward to and I just hope this doesn;t mean I can’t go.
Really worried that things are on the move again
Hi Caroline,
your gp has moved quickly(sounds like mine)which is a big plus. It could just be the start of the flu bug. I have it and it has nearly finished me off!
Hope you manage the cruise and that you dont get rotten news tomorrow.
Merry Christmas.
Hi Caroline
At least you have a quick appointment, hopefully you will get a scan to see what is happening. I do hope you get to go on your cruise, it sounds wonderful! Hope you have a good Christmas notwithstanding the worries
Love Kathryn
Hope you get your cruise and that it is nothing worse than winter ailments. I would just check with your onc about the holiday and as long as they reckon you are OK - go for it.
Best of luck with your appointment, fingers crossed…
Hi Caroline, really hoping that things are sorted out quickly for you, it’s such a worry wondering what our bodies are doing to us. The cruise sounds fabulous, am keeping my fingers crossed for you to get on that ship!!
Fingers crossed for you - there are so many bugs going round that hopefully this is nothing more that an infection. If it’s more sinister then at least you are getting seen to fast and they can start whatever they need to do. Good luck let us know how it goes - here’s wishing everything is fine and that cruise goes ahead as planned.
It really could be nothing more than a lingering bug that got worse. We are so susceptible and this is a really rotten time for bugs.I am glad you are getting seen quickly to have a look at things, really hope that the cruise gos ahead as planned - it sounds great.
Really hope tomorrow goes well and you find it is an infection and that you can enjoy christmas and go on your cruise. Your GP soounds very efficient.
Thinking of you.
love Kate
thanks for all the replies.
I have been to se the onc this morning had appointment at 9.30 and was seen at 9.20 how about that for NHS treatment!!
I saw a lovely onc and he says that he thinks I have an infection in my lymph system at the bottom of lung in pleural cavity. This is usually where I have the fluid build up. Apparently the Xray showed a patch which isn’t fluid and could be infection. This is also why I have such a sore patch.
I have been given steroids to take (6 a day) and pain killers and antibiotics. He says if it is an infection then I should start to feel better over christmas if I don’t I have got to go back with another emergency appointment and have a scan. If it doesn’t clear up and my breathing doesn’t get better then he says I can’t go on my cruise.
So heres hoping that it is an infection and I will be able to go on holiday!
Has anyone else had infections in the lymph system?
You’d better watch the mince pies with those steroids!!
Seriously though, I am really glad that there may be a logical reason for your symptoms and hope that the antibiotics do the job. A few years ago (before all the cancer dx) I had a cut on my inner lip (don’t ask!) which got infected and wouldn’t heal. It developed into an infection of my lymph which went undetected by the first GP I saw, even though I was complaining of sore arm, neck, swollen glands etc. I guess it just sounded like a cold/flu to her. I can’t begin to tell you how dreadful I felt. It was only when I started vomitting with such force that I burst blood vessels on my face and neck and I was totally swollen that another GP diagnosed me correctly. I was livid thinking that I could’ve started treatment earlier. Int he end I couldn’t get out of bed for almost a week - my back and whole body was killing me. I only felt better when I was lying in the bath. I remember thinking at the time how I had never understood the importance of the lymphatic system.
So, apologies for the lurid description of my own experience. But I really do believe that this is a perfectly feasible explanation for your symptoms. It’s great that you’ve been seen to so quickly and can start treating the infection. Let’s hope for a quick response to the medication so that you can get on that cruise. Take it easy over Christmas (if that’s possible) and rest your body so that you can conserve some energy in the meantime.
So sorry only just caught up with this thread - I hope that it is just an infection and that your antibiotics kick in quickly and you are able to go on your cruise. Just try to rest and take as easy as you can over the christmas period, and lets hope for quick results for you.
Hi Caroline,
Just wanted to say I’m thinking of you and hope that the infection gets better soon once the antibiotics start kicking in and that you can go on your cruise. I hope you’re being spoilt rotten.
Take care
Anne xx
hi sorry to hear ur news - i too hope it is an infection and u can go on ur cruise.
lets hope the ant-biotics kick in soon and relieve the pain.
make us jealous and tell us where ur cruise is going!!!
take care
lisa x
Thanks for the comments
My breathing is definately improving and have stopped coughing up stuff.
I still have a horrendous pain under my left rib it feels like I have any alien stuck in there.
the GP thinks it is fluid from the pleural effusion.
The good news is he says I should go on holiday as it will do me more good than not now that my breathing has improved.
I am having another scan when I get back to check there isn’t anything nasty going on.
We are going to the Carribean never done anything like that before a bit on a once in a lifetime holiday (well definately mine) I am a bit worried about the flight out though as I am so uncomfortable.
The strange thing is that If I hadn’t been dx with this diesease the insurance wouldn’t have paid out and wouldn’t have done this holiday. I suppose its a bit bitter sweet really.
i have done 2 carribean cruises and they were wicked u will really enjoy them
i should have been doin another one next yr booked it before i knew about the secondaries - so now i am cancelling it and having some memorable hols with the kids as i dont honestly think i would get insurance anyway!!!
Go and enjoy ur self and face the pain and uncomfort as it comes - but i am sure ur gp or macmillan nurse if u have one can give u better pain relief if u ask. my macmillan nurse sorted mine for me
have a brill hol think of us here
Lisa xx
Just a quickie for Lisa - Mia online will do travel insurance that covers carribean cruises. Not able to post a link here but if you google them you will find them. MIght be worth looking at if you don’t want to cancel that cruise.