Hello, I first wrote on here on the 27th April, saying I had found a lump and that my nipple was indenting. I saw a consultant on the 3 May, who did a breast examination and ultrasound, and reassurred me that nothing showed on the ultrasound. He send me for a routine mamogram which I had on Monday 9th May, I asked him at the consultation if he thought my mamogram would show anything, he said he would be surprised if it did. Well today I have received a letter asking me to go back and have a further mamogram. I finding it difficult to get my head around this, after feeling a sense of relief after he reassurred me, now Im panicked beyond belief!
Hi there, I feel so sorry for you to have been reassured and then to not know what’s going on again. Unfortunately it’s really impossible to know what’s going on in the investigation stages and there aren’t any certainties. I think most of us feel better once we know what’s going on. Recall on the mammogram could be for several reasons, they might just need to take some more views or do another mammogram because something went wrong with the first one. If they’ve found something suspicious, it means you’ll need further investigations. On the good side, you really have done the right thing in getting your problem checked out.
Have you called the helpline yet? If not, please do they’ll talk through it all with you.
Lots of love, let us know how you get on xxxx
Hi Westland39
You are, understandably very anxious at the moment, these are perfectly normal feelings.
As bubbletrouble has suggested, a call to the helpline might help you understand some of the reasons why people are called back after a mammogram, or just having someone there to talk through your fears with, they’re great listeners.
The number is 0808 800 6000. They are open 9-2 tomorrow and 9-5 on weekdays.
Do give them a call if you can.
Best wishes.
Thanks you LouiseBBC and Bubbletrouble for posting me a comment, I will ring the helpline tomorrow. Can’t eat or sleep at the mo.
Love Westland39
Apologies to Louise BCC for calling you Louise BBC am typing without glasses on or contacts in! xx
Big hugs to you flower, hope you feel better after talking to one of the wonderful helpline people xx
I went for repeat mammogram yesterday, it showed calcifications which I had to have a core biospy for. I kept looking at the consultant for reassurrance but she honestly doesn’t know if they are benign or malignant. Im just feeling totally exhausted with worry and How am i going to cope with chemo, loosing my hair maybe loosing a breast, so many things going around in my head it feels like its about to explode. I get the results next Tuesday, not sure if even want to know! Can anyone else tell me how they dealt with all these thoughts please.xxxxx
Love Westland39
Hi there
As someone who went through the same worries and scary thoughts as you back in Oct 09, I hope I can help to reassure you in some small way that this short but frightrning time will be over very soon once you have the results and you will know what you are facing.
In fact, I can safely say that I can barely remember those early days now as it’s faded as treatment etc goes along.
Id try yo use thr resourses you have for support-either family/friends, BC nurse or the helpline here who offer wonderfully balanced advice.
I know you will be still worried but now you are on the ‘journey’, things will become clearer and a bit better to handle.
Hugs (((( ))))
Cathie x
I was recalled after my first screening mammo for what turned out to be a small area of calcifications. They are very common due to national screening.
I had to have a bi-opsy & the worst part was waiting for results as like you they did’t know if anything to be concerned about. I know how scared you must be as I was in the same place last August.
I ended up having DCIS no invasive cancer but a non-invasive form which is completly treatable.
Try not to imagine the worst such as losing a boob etc; difficult I know. For me I had day surgery to remove area only; and due to size/age/family cancers I completed radiotherapy in March now onto monitoring.
Hope your results are good but feel free to contact me if I can be of any support for you.
Please take someone with you for results & if you have any questions write them down & take them I didn’t & ended up calling the Breast Care Nurse after.