Hello you wise bunch. I have decided I need to get my worries onto the screen and then hopefully I can rationalise them a bit - which I seem able to do most days but not today, despite the beautiful sunshine.
I have taken some time owing from work this afternoon and come home. In between appointments I started to feel very unwell, with pain in my jaw and shoulders and very anxious - oh and a hot flush to add to the mix! I sat in the car for a while and then went to see a friend in her office, to see if talking it out made it better. It wasn’t immediate but the pain subsided and I’m now at home with you virtual friends and a cuppa.
In my rational mind, I am sure it’s stress. I had something similar a few years ago and was checked out by heart people and all okay. I have booked a GP appointment for next Thursday too, just to have a check up. I stopped Anastrazole last week (I start Exmestane next month) and wondering if there are withdrawal symptoms, I am waiting (almost 10 weeks now and counting) for genetic test results, had a very contentious couple of days at work this week and I’m not sleeping brilliantly.
In my non-rational mind, I’m panicking a bit, as my cholesterol was raised (anastrazole can cause this) and radiotherapy was on my left hand side. I was so pleased with myself for finally getting back to work full time this week and starting to do my role in full. Now I’m beating myself up that I couldn’t manage it properly.
I think I’m having one of those wobbly days, which hit us just when we think all is okay. I’m a bit fed up it happened at work, even though my lovely colleagues were lovely, but I also want to be in control again!
Thank you for listening … just typing worries out helped xx
Hi Janey
What a stressful time for you…we’ve all been there.
It probably is stress and tension related especially if you’ve had it before, so try not to worry ( I know, easier said). Best thing to just get it checked out, otherwise the thoughts just consume you.
Sending a hug x
Oh Janey, what a rotten time for you. Wibbly wobbly days are par for this rubbish and sometimes there is nothing we can do except get through them and hope for a better day tomorrow. Glad that you came home, at least that is one stress out the way. It’s good to see the doc - we don’t really seem to get told enough about any side effects from stopping these pills. I know everyone can react differently, but some sort of advance warning would be useful. And you’re having to wait such a long time for those results, it’s all a load of PANTS. Never beat yourself up about how you are handling things, there are no prizes for never having a melt down!! I’ve certainly had plenty and don’t really care about them anymore. I take myself off to bed and hide away until I feel better, which does come about. Well, sending big hugs and lots of love. :cathappy:xxx
Oh Janey I’m so sorry to read your feeling like this.
Don’t beat yourself up about work your doing amazing you have a very important and stressful job to do at the nest of times so celebrate how far you’ve come. We need to remember that we’re not even a year in yet. Xxx
You know me I too worry at the least little thing and until a professional has talked it through me I just keep on worrying . I’m positive it’s stress related but It wouldn’t hurt to give the Bc nurse a ring and see what they say just in case it’s a side effect.
Why are we so hard on ourselves I’m sending you a huge hug and lots of love xxx xxx
Oh my dear these days really do floor us, as the other ladies said, good that you left and came home, at least you could relax and destress there. Know what you mean about the aches and pains it is so hard to remain rational, good that you are going to the docs anyway as that will ease your mind.
Thanks flowers. I think I need to take a pinch of my own advice about managing anxiety and cut myself some slack. I think it’s the genetic tests that are the problem. Just the same Sue as when I was waiting on Oncotype results. other half wants to know why I’m peeing on things! Xx