haven’t been on here for ages, because I got locked out somehow - just managed to get back on (not sure what I did right)
Anyway, been on sick leave for a couple of weeks with hideous headache- particularly in the morning, unable to focus, concentrate on what I’m doing etc. I went to GP who referred me straight to Onc, who sent me for brain scan (10 days ago). No date yet for results but my sister has reminded me that I was ill like that when I visited her in January. Life has been a real struggle and I just hadn’t put 2 and 2 together, friends have also reminded me that I had bad headaches in Feb and in April. I feel like an idiot - had gone back to work on a phased return but never got past 3 days, then went down to 2 last month, and now just can’t keep doing it.
Anyone else experienced this? I think it could be depression as well or the cocktail of meds, but I’m just rattling about sort of numb at the moment and disheartened because I’ve tried so hard to get on with my life. History-wise, first diagnosis in 1997 grade 1 IDC, second in June 2010 grade 3 IDC (same breast post mx). Any feedback would be very welcome, Monica
sorry no feedback and cant imagen how you must be feeling, hope all works out well for you.
Hi monica
sorry you’re feeling unwell. I’m also having worrying head symptoms at the mo
my advice would be to phone your onc’s secretary + get an appt for your scan results. Or maybe ask yur bcn to access them for you? Once you’ve had your results, and you hopefully get the all clear then you can look at other possible causes of the headaches.
All thebest lets know how you get on
tina x
thanks Tina, its a bummer, isn’t it? my appointment is in the system, rang last week and will have to follow it up this week. Just want that out of the way.
I hope things go well for you - have you seen someone about it?
thanks Hatty, amazing what support does!xxx
I mentioned it to my onc on weds + expected her to be concerned, especially with me being triple neg, but she played it down saying she’s cobfident it’s chemo induced. Will speak to her again on weds if I’m no better.
I’ve just been looking at symptoms of high blood presses online as I’ve had some ringing in ears + my last hospital admission showed my bp was on the up. Seems high bp causes dzziness, headaches etc too so gona get checked this week.
Lets no how your appt goes fingers are crossed for you x
will do. Yep also had BP checked but was ‘perfect’ according to GP.
take care xx
good morning, hope life is in a better place for the start of the new week. Have a good one.
thanks Hatty
phoned Onc secretary - appointment for 6th June! I am taking that to mean its nothing dire, and just aiming to carry on as normal, taking the blooming painkillers!!
have a good week
6th June! Goodness me these oncs have no idea how stressful the wait for scan results is, do they!?
I’m really lucky in that my bcn always checks the system+ tells me results straight away. But I never wait for more than 2wks to see my onc after scans.
Good luck anyho x
Hi Monica,
I just wanted to say a huge welcome back to the forums, i have often thought about you and have realy missed seeing your posts on the BCC forums,im so sorry to hear that you havent been feeling very well lately and realy hope that you will be able to get your mind put at rest very soon with these new concerns that you now have, am keeping everything crossed for you that your scan results will all come back fine and that all will turn out ok.
Huge Hugs monica, am thinking of you.
Take good care of you.
Love Linda (aka Lindiloo)
wow, hello Linda
I thought I was locked out for so long - still not sure how I got back in, have tried a few times over the months!
its really nice to hear from you - thanks so much for your kind words. I honestly feel as though its something other than mets, but am just playing that old waiting game.
How are you? hope things are good with you
Hi Monica,
Im so very glad that you did get back in to BCC lol that same thing happened to me once and i had to email BCC to reset my password as somehow it had got deleted by the system!
Oh its so lovely to hear from you again, you have always been such a lovely supportive lady to everyone on the forums and i have realy missed your posts and im sure many other ladies have too so im so pleased to see you back though i wish it wasnt becaues you have some new worries.
Im doing ok at the minute thanks,ive had a few scares over the yrs but all seems to be ok at the moment apart from the usual aches and pains, joint stiffness,cramps,migraines ect lol oh and swollen feet seems to be my latest problem caused by the AIs but im not complaing as i know other ladies on here have very much more to cope with than i do.
The waiting game is horrendous i know and i think its one of the worst things about having BC but ive always tried to think when ive been in that situation that no news is good news,not sure of the logic on that but it always seemed to help me when waiting for any scan results,its all still blomming rubbish though isnt it, but at least we all know what your going through and are all here to offer each other some support if we can.
Please do keep in touch and dont go getting locked out of the forums again will you lol though its also good sometimes to try and get back to some sort of normality for a while isnt it.
Love and hugs to you
Linda xx
Hi Linda
great to hear from you.
Yes I tried really hard to get ‘back to normal’ and my life before this dx, but don’t think I’ve ever been firing on all cylinders since I went back, to be honest. Not complaining, life is good - OH, kids, friends and family all great, but maybe its because that side of life is so fine, never been able to be the way I had been at work - just a change of priorities, maybe!
Those AIs, though, I agree, they are hard work - but I wouldn’t give them up! Its been lovely to see names I recognise since I got back on, but of course, not everyone is here anymore and thats sad.
its great to see you are doing well
mon xxxx
Hello Monica,
I remember you very well from before and you were such a sensible supportive poster. You were especially kind to me when I was going through an elongated recovery from mx.
Really very disappointed that you’re feeling so unlike your old self but you’re getting your headaches checked out so really hope they diminish/and you receive positive results.
How worrying for you…
Do hope the painkillers are effective. Any head pain/migraine is very debilitating indeed, especially when you don’t understand them.
Really glad your home life is supportive with friends and family.
I’m sure they’re very concerned for you.
We all are.
Tight hug from Wendy xx
Oh Wendy, thank you! I too remember you, we had a good thread going, didn’t we!
how have you been keeping? I hope things are going well with you.
I’m mainly not too worried - in my heart I don’t think its mets, but sometimes I get the heeby jeebies, thinking I’m being too complacent! there is no winning is there? in the meantime I’m just reading and trying to focus on other things.
take care
mon xxx
I’m ok thanks,
but the past all seems a real blur to me now when I was coming on here regularly. So much was changing on a weekly basis that I just felt the support from the forum as a blur…
It was such a comfort when I felt sooooooooooooooo scared.
It became a lovely blur of being heard…
Now almost two years on from dx, I feel far more upset about it all!
Treatment has ended and it’s all sunk in now!
Cancer has taken away so much more than my breast…
Life moves on of course but the scar remains and I feel a deep anger within! Other people are moving on in their lives and I wish I could too…
Golly I didn’t realise I felt so angry.
Sorry about that but no one has really enquired since…
Says a lot about my friends and family!!!
Sorry I didn’t want to hijack your thread!
Really do hope you don’t wake with one of your awful headaches again.
Have a restful night. Wx
hi again
I know what you mean about anger - I was like that a couple of years after the first dx - felt that everything had changed and I couldn’t see anything the way I had prior to dx, but the world has moved on and they think you’re OK now, and back to “normal”. I felt like Kay in the Snow Queen, when he gets the fragment of mirror in his eye and sees everything differently. It did take a long time to get past that. I think this time I had a tougher time physically but easier time emotionally - don’t know why, but I would rather have the physical problems than the emotional ones - it is so crap.
I hope you get through this - but it did help me to articulate my anger in a safe way - I used to keep a journal - but I think this forum is a big help, isn’t it.
Keep posting, and take care
You are as lovely as ever to respond to my baggage when you’ve got this scan result hanging over you!
I had to have to have a brain scan at the start of my dx because I started getting dizzy and fell over a couple of times! Obviously I knew what everyone was thinking and was struck dumb with it all…
Results were clear and eventually they discovered my mishaps were caused by nerve problems in my toe!!! The problem still arises!
However, they never did explain the dizziness!
I hope your causes are as unrelated!
You really are very adept at recognising people’s situations.
I bet you’re wonderful in your job too!
Goodnight now and thank you, Monica.