and a yes from me, jayne

Yes please definitely. Only people who have died from breast cancer whether or not they use this site. If someone appears on the site then they must have a friend or family member who is using it so they should be listed.

Yes, definitely. I don’t have time to go through all of the forums and sometimes only realise that a long time member has died when it is rather late for giving condolences.

As someone whose daughter died from BC in just 13 months from diagnosis I think it would be lovely to have a page just for those who fought but lost to this awful disease. Whatever age they died then they still died before their time.
I agree with Christine that if you don’t go on the site every day then it can be missed that someone who you possibly wrote to in the past has died.
We collected some money for Bournemouth cancer ward after Lisa died and at the hospital they have three ‘trees’ on various walls where they hang small brass plaques in the shape of apples in memory of people who have died there and now Lisa’s name is amongst them. Sad in one way but wonderful to think that her name lives on at the hospital. I just wish that she knew.
Maybe people would feel the same about a page here with their name on it.

Hi all,

We would like, if possible please, to keep the ‘In Memoriam’ thread for members of this site only.

Could we have your opinions please as to whether you would prefer a new category or a sub-category under ‘End of Life’?

Many thanks,

Jo, Facilitator

If we do have this please could we spell it as MEMORIAM?

Hi Horace,

Sorry for spelling error!

Jo, Facilitator

Speaking as someone with Secondaries who has (some) reservations about a memoriam page I’d like to see it in it’s own category not a part of the End of Life secondaries section.

I agree in principle, but I don’t want to be mentioned in it when I die.


Yes a separate page I’d prefer.


(Oh thank god the spelling has been corrected - the OCD in me can’t stand it!)
I have reservations about this - I personally feel that the creation of memorials are the preserve of family.
I am somewhat concerned that a memorial being posted on a public internet forum (which is searched by all search engines) could be an invasion of privacy.
Will the onus be on individuals to opt in or opt out?
Will real names be allowed or will it be user names only?
I think a little more thought needs to go into this to avoid upsetting individuals and their families.

Yes I think you’re right msmolly.

I keep changing my mind on this one. Sometimes I do want to publicly acknowledge friends from the site who have died…but only when their deaths were announced at the time by someone who knew them, or when I’m quoting from what is in the public internet domain anyway.

For example I have sometimes quoted jpoets’ poetry…which during her life time was on these forums and is now availble on the website established by her husband.

But it does need thinking through.


Maybe it could be like the newsblog only viewed when you log in and only our user name.
Love Debsxxx

Sorrie aboot the speelling - i fort it woz my stronge pont.
I think people get to choose whether they are included or not and real name or user name

Hi all

A new category “In Memory” has been created and can be accessed here:-

Best wishes
Sam (BCC Facilitator)

Yes I agree very good idea

Hi sam

Can you please move across all those who have died in the last months or so, and the related posts.
