in memory of my sister

in memory of my sister

in memory of my sister my lovely sister,lynn,died one year ago today aged 44,and i would like to use this forum to pay a tribute to her.she was so brave and such a kind caring person and i miss her more everyday.i once posted on here to say i couldnt live without her but i would like to say that i have got through this first painful year and although it has been the hardest thing to cope with ,I have managed to live without her.I feel she is all around me-and in my heart and instead of crying today i have tried to remember all the happiness she brought in to my life and all her parents are so heartbroken and still in pieces about will never get better for them as they are old and in their 70s now,but for me i feel stronger each day and from today i have decided-no more sobbing no more sadness.i want to keep her alive in my heart but not as the poor ill little thing she was when she died.i want her to live in my heart as the happy,vibrant beautiful person she was.all you lovely kind people out there please share this tribute with me-to my wonderful beautiful lynn.missing her so much.

In your heart forever Hi

Just read your post and wish you well. You will never loose your sister she will always be in your heart. I cried when I read your post, I would miss my sister as well if anything happened to her. Sorry to hear about your parents taking it so bad, but they say that to loose your daughter and son is hard to take as you think you will go before them.

Always keep your sister in your heart and well done for coming through the past year even though it must have been tough at times.

Love Elaine


just wanted to reply to you to say I was very touched reading your post. Lynn lives on in your heart and she is with you I do believe. You & your family have obviously been through a horrid time and I cant comprehend what you have went through but I can relate to the bond that sisters have. You must have so many happy memories of your sister before all this happened and hopefully now you can remember these without feeling as sad.
You will always love your sister and she will always be part of you, and thankyou for sharing your comments at this time.
Thinking of you, Lorri xx

In memory of my husband Dear All

I wanted to write to say that my very brave husband died on 19th March this year. He was just 48 years old and we have two beautiful children aged 12 and 6. The hardest thing was telling my children that their father had died and this fell on my daughter’s 12th birthday. He worked full time right up until a week before his death when he was hospitalised through severe pain. He never complained and lived every day to the full.

Such courage I have never seen before and his strength has kept me going this past few weeks. He was diagnosed in Dec 2004 and really never got a break from the cancer. He struggled through 3 types of chemotherapy, radiotherapy, tamoxifen, mastectomy - you name it - he seemed to have had it !

Next Monday 14th May would have been his 49th birthday and I shall be returning to work then. Even though my life seems so empty without him I know that he would want me and the children to go on and enjoy our lives. He will live on in our memories every day. He is a household name and will always be with us. On Monday I intend to bring the children for a meal where we all used to go and celebrate his day with a glass of wine in his memory.

Love and miss you lots Shaun. God Bless. xxx

Dolores, I am so sorry to hear of your loss. Your husband sounded a wonderful man. I just wanted to let you know I am thinking of you and your children.

Lorri xx

Dolores I was so sorry to hear about your husband – I think he would be very proud of how you are coping.

Best of luck to you and your children, and enjoy your meal.

“Cheers” to Shaun from all of us who are dealing with breast cancer!!

Jacki xx

Our thoughts are with you Dear Dolores

We are so sorry to hear this sad news. Your husband will be sadly missed. Our thoughts are with you and your children at this sad time.

Our sympathy

Breast Cancer Care

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