In shock but doing well..

Hi All,

After finding some lumps two years ago and also in May of this year I went along last Monday thinking that this one was a cyst again… for some reason it did not show up on the mammogram I had in April and also on Monday, it must be a shy one…

I was taken aback when I was told that it wasn’t a cyst and I did fear the worst as my Mother had breast cancer. Got the news yesterday and whilst I am reeling, I am optimistic that this can be sorted.

Due to the history and finding the initial lumps I took control and decided that I had to get myself fitter and healthier, so here I am never felt better 2 1/2 stone lighter and been running and going to the gym 2 to 3 times a week. So hopefully this will all help towards my recovery.

The coarse of action is Tamoxifen, I took first one yesterday, booked in for Op on the 2nd December, decided to go for the lumpectomy and then take it from there – I was told that the likelihood is that I will then go for Radiation Treatment, depends what they find in the glands.

I have a question regarding the Tamoxifen I felt a little under the weather today does it have that effect? also started with the hot flushes already which means it’s doing is job, right? Poor hubby sat with jumper on and I have the patio door open.

So here I am at the beginning of the journey that some of you have already followed, scared and apprehensive but keep telling myself one stage at a time… my mind has been doing some racing.


Hi Sheila welcome to the site.we are all at different stages but rest assure you will get a lot of support here and there is always someone to help with any questions you will have on your “journey” through your treatment.It is 11 months since my operation and have been on Tam.since then and had bad hot flushes to start with but they are settling down now.Just take one stage at a time and try and keep positive. All the best for 2nd December and keep in touch. Joyce.xx

hi sheila * big hugs * welcome to the club no one wants to join :frowning: However, this site is wonderful, such lovely women, its been a lifeline for me when i first found out I had BC. my operation was 5 weeks ago ( lumpectomy and nodes taken out, all clear )
its a ll a shock and a roller coaster of emotions, as you hit each stage of the diagnosis prognosis and treatment stages.

I started tamoxifen 5 days ago and as yet no hot flushes ( am 51) I will start radiatherapy 23 rd Nov for 3 weeks.

keep in touch and i hope all goes well with the op. deb x

just wanted to say hi and welcome - am sure you will find this forum really helpful and supportive - feel free to ask anything ! lots of luck with op xxchipper xx