Due to start my chemo next week called fec-t.as i have no medical knowledge and i’m stunned by all this still i’m probably not asking that much and trusting the experts.my employer…also a friend…has lost lots of people to cancer and shes very forceful and bolshy to say the least…which can be very good but also a negative.i didnt let her comenwith me to appointment as i knew she’d be firing questions and putting backs up.i know she means well but she’s scaring me more.she wanted to know the drugs i’m being given then messaged me to say am i her2 pos( i dont know i wasnt told) and why was i being given these when herceptin had excellent results.if it was due to money to say i’d pay.surely theyd give me the drugs that i’d need? Its all just scaring me more.i know she means well and shes worried that i wont recover due to cost cuts.
Yes i need to shrink tumour before surgery too.
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