I’ve noticed that since I’ve started the Docataxel treatment (I had 3 courses of FEC, now on my second of D) my heart rate seems to be pretty much consistently up. I find even if I move around just a little, like getting up and walking to another room, it shoots up and feels as though I’ve just been running down the street! For the past two or three days I’ve noticed it’s higher even when I’m stationary - I couldn’t sleep last night because it was going as though I was doing some exercise - and I’m up now because of the same thing. My breathing however is pretty normal (unless I try and do something like go up the stairs at normal speed - then I get breathless).
I’m also on a course of Filgrastim injections to boost the immune sytem with Docataxel. I’m wondering if that’s anything to do with it.
Has anyone else experienced this? Is this ‘normal’? Should I be concerned?
While you are waiting for fellow members to come along and offer some support, I thought our booklet on Docataxel might be helpful. Page 9 of the publication mentions increased heart rate etc. Here’s the link:
This is also something our Helpline could help with. Why not give them a ring to talk it over. They will be open tomorrow (and every weekday) from 9-5 and Saturdays from 10-2 . The number is 0808 800 6000
I had tax and carboplatib two years ago and suffered from palpitations, shortness of breath, dizzyness, faintness on exertion… Exertion was as minimal as standing up … Couldnt do stairs for a couple of days every cycle.
Onc had suggested reducing dose but because i wasnt having standard high risk symptoms he didnt need to but i just accepted that for a few days i couldnt walk the length of myself and would have to crawl to the loo… As its cumulative it gradually got worse and although i took a while to get my fitness back after chemo i was able to get fairly fit but my breathling never went back completely to normal and still got a bit SOB walking up hills or running up a flight of stairs.
Do speak to your onc about it though as they will probably wanna check your bloods and maybe do an ecg just to make sure your not anaemic and have no cardiac cause…
Hi Helm, I am sorry that you are having a hard time.Well,I was treated with FEC-T as well (oct 2012 - jan2013),had to inject myself with Filgrastin too.But the difference was that I started the Docetaxel first (3 cycles) followed by the FEC(3 cycles).I had the breathlessness as well,even talking on the phone I used to get breathless,going up the stairs was a big no no for me,when not doing nothing i could feel my heart rate going up.
Another thing I realised and later got to know also was that,as the treatment progresses you get more tired,breathless and all that.It got so bad that on my fifth cycle I had to call an ambulance because i thought that was it for me.Went to A & E all the test to check if it was blood clot but found nothing (normal). The heart rate and the breathelessness got worse especially when it was a day or 2 before the injection was due.
Speak to your oncologist about it and when you are home and you feel there is something not right or scared just call an ambulance to get you checked.
I know it is a very difficult journey but you will get through it.
Hello Helm, I had FEC-T and the pegfilgrastim injections too. I had an echocardiogram before starting, as I was told FEC-T puts a strain on your heart. My HR was up too and excercise tolerance total crap,.From being a fit hillwalker I could hardly get up the stairs! I was getting out of breath talking and struggling to finish a sentence.
I dont think its the injection (although that has its own set of possible SE’s).
I would speak to the BC nurses or BCC helpline, and yes, if it is scary then phone NHS 24, and definitely dont hesitate if you get any chest pain.
Hi there Helm
I am in exactly the same position!. Even just laying in bed my heart rate is 100bpm. I have just completed 6FEC-T and while I was fine with the FEC each dose of T has made my heart rate worse. I have had ECGs, echocardiogram and chest xray to rule out anything more sinister.
Basically my oncologist has said it is a rarer side effect of Docetacel and once chemo is all done it should begin to right itself. The bone marrow injections increase the bone pain too which also makes things feel worse. Its horrible as I am extremely fit and exercised through FEC but at the moment struggle to walk more than 200yds without feeling breathless and having my heart banging!
As I said im a week past last dose so am hoping that it will sort itself out but I shall let you know if you like in a few weeks.
Its frustrating and worrying when your hearts involved and youre told you just have to put up with it but don’t feel alone as I know exactly how you feel. The main reassurance I had was after all the scans that it was purely chemo related nothing more serious although that doesn’t help when you’re going through it.
Hope this helps.
Thanks everyone for your responses, it’s much appreciated. It’s helped put my mind at rest bit - I guess I’ll just have to monitor myself and not worry too much unless it gets really bad and I can’t breath or something.
That’s the thing about chemo - before you have it you know there are side effects, but only ever hear about people being sick or tired - you don’t hear about the list of other side effects you have to put up with, which when they stack up can be more frustrating and wearing . Some of them even the nurses don’t mention before you have treatment. Something like increased heartrate and breathlessness out to be mentioned I think, even if it’s considered rare.
Thank goodness for sites like breastcancer cancer care where you can share these things and find out from others. Thank you breast cancer care and all the folks who contribute to these forums:smileyhappy:
Hi Helm,
I’ve just finished 3 AC and 4 Docetaxel. I developed an irregular pulse on AC which is still there but nobody seems too bothered about. But about 2 weeks after my 1st Tax I developed a really fast pounding heartbeat - when I went upstairs I could feel it banging in my head and had to rest, and like you I was very aware of it in bed at night. No associated breathlessness. In the end I read a comment on here about anaemia, decided I must be anaemic and went to hospital where it turned out I was so unusually anaemic I needed 3 units of blood.
As others have said, it could be all sorts of other explanations but I would really advise having a blood test to check fir anaemia. After the transfusion I felt completely different, and subsequent doses of Tax were reduced because I had other bad reactions so I haven’t been anaemic again.
Good luck with the rest of your treatment x