I have been on Femara over 3 years after 5 years Tamoxifen and recently have been suffering from heartburn or indigestion and acid reflux. My GP has put me on Omeprazole which has helped in the past but not helping a lot at the moment. I seemed to be very stressed recently for which other than the obvious of BC there isn’t really any reason. I gave up work last year because it was getting me down but I find every little thing gets me annoyed and I think that this along with the stomach problems is all connected. I feel myself getting really stressed and wonder as I am 54 is a sympton of the menopause.
Any ideas would be helpful.
Hi hazelmary
I’m sorry to see you haven’t had any replies to your post, unfortunately there is problem with viewing new threads on the forum at the moment but hopefully it will be rectified soon.
It sounds like you are having a pretty tough time, may a suggest whilst you are waiting for a response you give the helpline a call and talk things through with one of the members of staff. Here you can share your feelings and concerns with someone who will offer you emotional support as well as practical information. The number to call is 0808 800 6000 and the lines are open Saturday 10 to 2pm and Monday to Friday 9 to 5pm.
Best wishes Sam, BCC Facilitator
I suffer from acid reflux and take daily ranitidene (on prescription) It hasnt got any worse since I started on Femara and I havent heard that it is a side effect.More likely to be stress related tho I’ve found that diet and what time I eat the main culprits…
Femara does make me slightly more tetchy…have lost a little of my joie de vivre so have to keep myself bouyant…but I am well past my menopause…i do believe femara has a slightly depressing effect…but not half as depressing as having breast cancer in the first place.
I was on Arimidex for several years, but now have been dx with secondaries and as Arimidex did not suit me at all, oncologist has put me on Femara. So far, I seem to be getting on really well with it, much better than Arimidex. I too have acid reflux and take Omeprazole, and the first few weeks I’ve had a bit of a ‘runny’ tummy. But it is settling down now. I have the odd hot flush, but no other symptoms so far. However, have not been on them for very long, so maybe the side effects won’t kick in until further down the line. It just proves that we all react differently and what suits one person maybe completely wrong for the next one. I am definitely trying to stay on Femara as that is the main fighter for the little ‘buggers’.