hi everyone
I am halfway through chemo and have just finished my 4 th cycle of taxol and gemcitibine but started with really nasty spots on my head , my onc wanted to delay my 4th chemo but after a 2nd opinion they decided to go ahead and gave me antibiotics after 5 days my head was covered and i have had really violent headaches, i went back and have been prescribed another 2 doses of antibiotics but the spots have spread around my neck and down my back and on my face , i have been monitoring my temperature and thats ok but my head is very sore has anybody else had this ? i will have to go back after the bank holiday but im getting a bit worried
galen x

hi galen, that happened to me while i was having my chemo ec axol the spots turned out to be chicken pox and i ended up being hospitalised have your spots got a small blister head? i would advise getting if so getting in touch with your chemo nurses or ward especially as your halfway thru chemo you are so open to infections low white cells etc…caroleann

hi caroleann
thanks for your reply, i mentioned that to my hubby this morning as some have a blister head on them , i think i will give them a ring thank you
galen x

hi galen, it does sound like chicken pox also keep an eye on your temp if it goes up to 38 phone the hospital right away theyll most likely ask you to go in ....anyway ill keep my fingers crossed for you all my best caroleann

hi caroleann, i went to the emergency doctor and she just shrugged and said she wasnt sure, so i went to the oncology unit thankfully it isnt chicken pox , but they are baffled that the spots have spread from my head down my face and all down my back , it could be a reaction to my antibiotics , my temp is ok but they have said i must go in straight away if it goes up, i am due chemo on friday it is EC so i am just hoping i will be ok they have suggested they may contact a microbiologist to have a look as nothing seems to be clearing it, thanx for your advice , i hope i can get it sorted , i have enough without this !!!
love galen x

Hope you feel better soon and good luck for friday sweet

claire xx


I was on Neo-Tango and on the pac and gem course I also had spots everywhere, all over my head, face, neck and chest very painful and upsetting, they did go thankfully, I hope yours clear quickly for you.
