Infection afterLatissimus Dorsi Reconstruction

In December 2005 I had a Mastectomy and Auxilary clearance, followed by Cheamotherapy and Radiotherapy. I then decided to have Reconstructive Surgery. I had a Latissimus Dorsi Reconstruction on the 8th August 2007. When I went back for my check I was told I had an infection and I was admitted to Hospital.
I was put on to Anti-Biotics, which I have been on for 10 days.
Tonight I went to a Cancer Support group, I was handed thier booklet on Breast reconstruction. In this booklet it said a possible problem with reconstruction could be capsular contracture which is caused by Radiotherapy and that women should not have an implant if having this treatment. Has anyone had problems with this?

Hi there

If you do a search on the specific words, or even just look through the forum archives you will find people who have had recon and then radiotherapy - my surgeon refused that sequence due to the risks. Anyway, I recall reading at least one lady who had capsular contraction.